Team Punkass

Probably $80k+ between the 2 cars and rims and it's filmed with a completely horrible camera. It looks ridiculous, but I like the effect of the maroon car moving while the rims don't - looks like it's just floating along.

you do have a point, I wasn't comparing the SC to cars of it's time and it was one of the quicker cars.

yes, compared to beige they are un-beige, but this wasn''t about beige.

I only went with what I could easily remember, but that should be on the list too

In this competition there are no losers.

a guy I knew had one in HS - he would come to the cruise spot and jump it over small hills in the pavement. Never had an issue with the car.

I sometimes worry that my sister doesn't know how to change a tire since she has my 2 adorable nieces in tow often.

The romenesko link says they fired him for improper use of the logo. Kinda harsh IMO but I have a sense of humor.

this looks to be more fun. I've seen this guy many times, always with the dog.

I prefer to imagine it's really something crazy like plutonium rods, or a tube full of kidneys and hearts for transplant.

He is a she.

I obviously did not pay attention during the movie - I remember the sex, but not the car.

Clear heels!

I posted the same comment at the same time but nibbles was fucking with me and wouldn't show the pic but I don't care as long as this helps them track down the felon.

I didn't want to estimate, but maybe it's trying to hit 9 minutes. Sabine Schmitz wasn't far off 10 minutes with the white truck, so you'd suspect with more power 10 would be attainable in the Raptor. I just wonder how scary it would be at speed with the off road suspension and stock tires.

I remember seeing it but didn't think it was a big deal since it seems they let anything run.

Still cheaper to get her primed using gas instead of alcohol.

I live by the "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" so ya that's how I convince on car purchases.

I think F-150 too. I was hoping to find a picture of the grill piece itself to see how it mounts but no luck.

damn you nibbles.