I originally thought Dodge, but based on the size I would guess the top row of the grill would have 3 of those across as the Dodge ones tend to be wider than 2".
I originally thought Dodge, but based on the size I would guess the top row of the grill would have 3 of those across as the Dodge ones tend to be wider than 2".
I am highly offended by this article. but if this is all it takes to be an alleged "security expert" then sign me up for the stupidity as a security expert probably makes more than I do.
I saw it and instantly thought "Spanish Fly"
I thought I remembered sand too but I wasn't 100%. Pretty sure it was Slick 50 and not DuraLube.
I remember their infomercials - a slant 6 Dodge motor with the oil drained and no valve cover. They had a fie department spraying water right into the top of the head while it was running.
BOSS 302
if those lights start getting cab drivers in trouble they will remove the bulbs.
I have a pair of Fiamm two tones on my Miata. They sound similar, but it's hard to say since those seem to be inside a room
WRX insurance isn't terrible. I have 2 cars so I'm not sure how much of my payment goes towards one or the other, but my insurance only went up $180/yr when I swapped out my '08 Focus SE POS for an '09 WRX Premium.
To up the ante his political opponent pushed his elderly mother in front of a speeding bus.
no one cares
I bought a PS3 just for GT5 and IMO Forza is just better more enjoyable and more fun to play. I actually traded in my copy of GT5 when it was time to buy Forza 4.
"bigger wheels need a lot more space to do that"
That's what I was thinking - it's Corvette plain
The rear view - mainly the taillights and taillight panel - remind me of Aston Martin.
My final would be Boss vs Boss
Do those turn on with the regular front window defroster?
I agree - the specs someone posted below say "9.5 gallons per hour" at an unspecified speed while in the air, about $40. Probably 5-10 times what it would cost you to cover the same distance in a car.