Team Punkass

#2 - I've driven through Oklahoma City twice and it sucks.

Because not racecar

I want an exact copy of Ell McPhearson here in St. Louis, maybe he can help me with that.

a '69 442 done up in the paint scheme of the current MuscleCar (Spike TV) project

Have they told the first 86 how much they'll be paying for their cars yet?

$100k? Really?

I am totally not fapping to it. There's not even an inkling of desire deep deep down in the fap basement.

Crazy that it's so hard to find any info. I found a picture of the car pre-flight

I usually drink as much soda as possible, and try to avg 70mph on my trips, so I'm always calculating.

License to Drive - been forever since I've seen that movie.

It's what kept me from looking at a GTi when I was looking for cars recently.

His story:

Starting bid: US $25,000.00

All that "custom work" and they leave the stock wheels. So baller.

A portion of #2 is part of my favorite loop, I may have to check out the whole road once it warms up

Had a header and muffler

Now playing

I'm been hoping it would snow like mad here in St. Louis this winter but we've had 1 "snow event" and the snow was gone the next day.

I didn't find it wierd. Kinda bland maybe.

9. Mustang