#2 - I've driven through Oklahoma City twice and it sucks.
#2 - I've driven through Oklahoma City twice and it sucks.
Because not racecar
I want an exact copy of Ell McPhearson here in St. Louis, maybe he can help me with that.
Have they told the first 86 how much they'll be paying for their cars yet?
I am totally not fapping to it. There's not even an inkling of desire deep deep down in the fap basement.
I usually drink as much soda as possible, and try to avg 70mph on my trips, so I'm always calculating.
License to Drive - been forever since I've seen that movie.
It's what kept me from looking at a GTi when I was looking for cars recently.
His story:
All that "custom work" and they leave the stock wheels. So baller.
A portion of #2 is part of my favorite loop, I may have to check out the whole road once it warms up
Had a header and muffler
I'm been hoping it would snow like mad here in St. Louis this winter but we've had 1 "snow event" and the snow was gone the next day.
I didn't find it wierd. Kinda bland maybe.
9. Mustang