I'm at 1.5% and 1.3% with my Miata/WRX combo
I'm at 1.5% and 1.3% with my Miata/WRX combo
Nothing can replace the clutch action and gear banging I love.
My friend with the ghetto raised struts wil love this!
As a Mets fan that grew up in the early 70s when they were shit, I will always remember Gary Carter as one of the main forces that brought excitement to Flushing in the mid 80's.
4th gear - so sad that the manual transmission is slowly disappearing from performance cars.
it's not a bad movie - I was 10 when it came out but didn't see it til 13 or so. Rebecca De Mornay was naked a few times so that was mostly what I was interested in.
lol very cool.
I hate that everyone is releasing their ads ahead of the game - it takes some of the fun out of the whole Super Bowl experience.
horrible paint job, cheap rims, 4x4 suspension, fake MACO bullshit name, horrible "custom" interior - yeah, that's a $16,000 piece of crack.
That kinda remins me of the Top Gear episode where they ran a Prius on the track followed by an M3 that just needed to keep up with the Prius. The M3 actually got better mileage since it was being pushed much less than the Prius.
This is exactly what I was thinking. I have a Focus and get less that 27mpg - it's not Ford's fault, it's my heavy foot.
Is anyone surprised? I mean, they just finally passed something saying the Senate and Congress can't use information gained in the sessions to make money in the stock market.
agree on the bike, but my car buddies disagree. I had a '04 GSX-R600 ($4300 in '09) and drag raced it just to give it a try and ran 11.35@126 on my second pass, my friends could care less. We all now a guy that had a C6 Z06 w/ heads/cam and he only manages 11.50 and they were swinging from his nuts when his car should…
. . . . . especially when they already have one hopped up pile of a Bentley and a Challenger you can make quick.
titties FTW!