
Racing, even electrical vehicles, is never green. High-wear racing tires are the same, battery materials are toxic (and I think mostly not recyclable), vehicles destroyed in crashes/mile compared even to passenger vehicles, replacement of vehicles annually, support vehicles (ground and air), support personnel. Not to

Of course I’m not an F1 engineer, but doesn’t a decrease in side-pod width, increase the possibility of hooking wheels? And don’t we all agree that is a BAD thing?

Would you like some frosting on your roll?


Um, I’m pretty sure you’re okay with everybody here, the world will keep turning, and, like Gov. Perry, I just can’t remember that third thing. Happy New Year.

“Manny Moe and Jack and Moe fee-nah-nay....”

And yet you fail to recognize the simple solution to your perceived issue.

Do you think that’s a good way for managing anger? Keeping it focused on one small subject per day? I’ll have to try that.

As far as I know, this hasn’t happened in California. I also don’t think I’ve ever been in a group of more than 70 and never for too long. At least there weren’t any asshats in this group riding off-road-only quads and dirt bikes.

Scroll up.

And you know that he could wear a white mechanic’s jumpsuit and finish the day without the slightest stain on it. Which would save on laundry and that’s the real secret to becoming a billionaire.

Don’t you think Superman adjusted his skills to interact with the puniness (is that a word?) of Earth? Do you think he crushes every hand he shakes or feigns being a germaphobe? Does he tear every door off of its hinges when he walks into a room? Do you really think that he hasn’t invented Supercondoms to avoid

“That’s fine. If you bill by the second.”

As child-oriented TV fare goes, it’s really pretty good. I mean, would you want your kids watching Archer (awesome for adults) or Aqua Teen Hunger Force? That meat blob creeps me out. Seriously, it had to be created by people on acid.

I love dogs. I can’t think of a single reason for welding them together. Nor should someone make a canine caterpillar just because they know how to suture.

Stef—I agree, dead squid handle terribly. However, a live squid handles better than a cat on Velcro. Although, now that I think of it, that’s not particularly useful for this article. Interesting, but not useful.

A lot of you are thinking that you wish you could ride like that. You can. But for you and I, it’s called “crashing.” Nothing like a face full of particulate matter, right?

Just FYI: the pig-human heart transplant takes less time than the work this project car will require. Of course, on the other side, the transplant recipient probably wont be able to go more than 10 miles an hour for a very short distance. And if the engine goes? Further repairs are unavailable.

Seriously, I have read this before, but does that thing really have an engine installed or just 6 sets of pedals?

What? The article? No, I didn’t read it. But I love the German Shepherd sitting at the typewriter. The world needs more of that.