
I’m not a fan of modular helmets, but the real lesson is to make sure that the chin bar of the helmet is fully lined with styrofoam. Just because a helmet has a chinbar, at the bottom end of the price range, it might not have protective foam in the chinbar.

I would like to publicly apologize for stabbing you with a screwdriver. I don’t know what I was thinking. I promise not to do it again.


Pretty sure the border police have seen everything—inside the tires, hidden behind bumpers, behind the dash, in the seats, etc., etc.

I’ve seen the dogs tested and they simply cannot be fooled. Foil wrap, then plastic wrap, then shoved in peanut butter and the dogs can still find it.

It’s obvious. Car-eating trees and helpful road slime.

“I don’t have time to pull-over, I’ve got someplace to be, and any sex is good sex.”

You didn’t contradict anything I said. And “I’m pretty sure” leaves open the possibility of one being wrong, not that one has no clue.

In California, if you can’t lanesplit, it’s worthless. The Can-Am is worthless.

I’m pretty sure that nothing is “tacked on” to a police bike. The manufacturers don’t sell the standard bike with a big box of PD-required parts. The bikes all come complete with whatever a police department requires. And it isn’t “made in America” that rules, it’s required maintenance intervals, fuel mileage,

Yes, because they always want to pull you over to have a nice chat about motorcycles. You were speeding? No worries, you’re on a motorcycle. And a little secret? I was speeding, too!

You are mostly right but the rule of thumb is that you can try to escape as fast as you can, but you’ll never be faster than a Motorola radio.

In the L.A. area, most motor cops are on BMWs and Honda ST1100s. They HATE the Harleys because they are hot and not as maneuverable. They don’t have any good answers about why they wear so little protection (not including ballistic body armor) except it’s “hot” and “we can’t move around as well.”

It’s a small bit of societal vengeance against the clueless and entitled.

Sounds like your friend got a “DWNW”—Driving While Not White.

And, we are not the only country where people still litter. And we aren’t the worst litterers.

Not to mention, was there a sudden need that the ashtray had to be dumped right then? It couldn’t wait until they got home or found a garbage can?

Been there (not Russia, the situation), done that. People don’t learn. I was camping once and one of the people was a very smart mechanical engineer. He thought it was okay to burn trash (including aluminum foil) (and on the topsoil) and that the fire would incinerate everything (not at all). It is enraging that in

The real issue is that the driver insulted the police officer by failing to offer him some cocaine. Of course he’d say “no,” but that’s no excuse for bad manners.

Amateur! You’d absorb LSD because of the perspiration on your hands. Lick? As if.