
It’s not circles. It’s oval and “D” shaped tracks. Always turning left.

It’s that healthy U.K. diet he adheres to.

That’s nice, but the reality is who will bring in the most sponsorship money. The best drivers are in the best cars and don’t have to deal with bringing in the money (although they may have to spend time with the big sponsors). And then there are the “paid” rides which is really a shame. (Can we get rid of Maldonado?

Maybe it’s that most women do not have the “kill” instinct required in all forms of motorsport?

No, no, no! That’s brilliant! And with 1/6th Earth gravity, just think how long the bouncing will go on? I would definitely watch that show.

What? Just strap on a bunch of JTOHs, easy-peesy! That’s what the Mythbusters did....

I believe that the plan to build out was going to be handled by IKEA.

And if you do know, it might be wise to not discuss it further. (People are listening!)

WHAT??? Troll be gone! Futurama was GENIUS!

I’ve got no dog in that fight (and am vehemently against fighting dogs) but that whole ring thing pisses me off. Putin’s a real asshole (and that’s not even counting the assassination of opponents).

What? Wait! They are going to steal the moon? Dang, that’s like Ocean’s 14! Or The Italian Job 3!

Is it true that they are going to raise alpacas for meat and for making yarn for clothing? I’ve heard it’s really cold there.

You realize that you can go to Goodwill and buy all of the t-shirts and pants you need for garage work for a couple of bucks each instead of ruining your good clothes?

Really? Tobacco Denim? Great name for the U.S. market.

I know you’re being sarcastic, but “hurting someone’s feelings” was added to the Military Code of Justice in 2012.

Hey! I’ve played Microsoft Flight. *I* could do this!

Which Replicar are you going to get with all the money?

And the problem is...? What harm could a crazy, Messianic leader do? Especially in Central America? And when will I get my supercar replica? I don’t know how much longer I can drive my Nissan Sentra.

Hey! Snitches get stitches!

Well, all of that is your (incorrect) opinion. I was referring to how the MEN should behave, not the women.