
Remember the time this guy (paid to) cure blind people and dumbasses got pissy about it because... I don’t really know why? Or that other time he (paid to) cure deaf people, and it had significantly less hate slung at it because I guess people were more pissed about the blindness thing or something, I don’t know why

You’re right, my bad. He didn’t cure them, he just paid for 100% of their treatment. This monster must be stopped.

The Last Jedi is the best of the Disney Star Wars movies, too. do realize that all of the vitriol you’re spitting is what you assume I’m saying when I haven’t ever said any of it. That is a logical fallacy.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Never heard of Tyler1 until this post. Hasn’t had an article posted on one of the 2 game sites I visit that I’ve seen.

Not the comment I was making. I was commenting on the lack of awareness that her attractiveness was what drew viewers. She kept them with her talent. I’m not denying that. Aesthetics can wear off in the ADHD world of online content. But to not acknowledge that the ‘perfect storm’ had nothing to do with the way she

It seems quite a few people have taken DEEP offense to this reply.


Nah, I actually didn’t discredit her hustle. And recognizing that her aesthetic quality caused people to tune in at first isn’t a dislike and dismissiveness of women. 

Yeah I’m 29 and now officially have no idea what is going on. I mean, other than the bascis of “people like to watch hot people do stuff”. That will never go out of style.

“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it. 

The way you write reads like somebody that is trying really really hard to sound smart, but it just isn’t quite working. Like an 8 year old walking around the house in Daddy’s suit jacket.

Kojima is overrated always has been always will be, when konami treated him like garbage that was karma, man's a total star fucker.

Do we love LeBron again now? Has it been long enough since Hong Kong? Is that not the thing everyone cares about this week? I’m new to the internet.

Man what a cute Lebron story. Glad we can laugh with the guy who hates freedom 

glad i’m not the only one bothered by this. 

It’s Australia is a pure, thrilling, terror, not “Australia Are pure, thrilling...”.

I appreciate pointing out the hypocrisy at play here, but this is a flavor of hot take I’m really fucking tired of. Can a tragedy just be a tragedy? Do we always have to justify our emotional responses to stuff like this by comparing it to other tragedies or excuse it by giving some explicit personal or familial

If Musk had suggested drugging them and wrapping them in rudimentary plastic carriers you’d have been flinging your shit from a roof top like a chimp at the zoo. 

Jesus, get over Elon Musk already. He wasn’t even mentioned in the article.