
Didn’t they take out the provision which taxed tuition waivers and stipends of grad students?

Haha, only a Classicist could say, with a straight face, that undertones of hagiography dating to the julio-claudian dynasty could lead to the fall of Rome. Lol! Right, it had nothing to do with violent, bloody wars of survival fought with desperate people flowing into the empire. Of course not, it’s all about that

Wow, amazing how sure you are about your answer to a question which historians have pondered for centuries. You must have listened to a lot of podcasts on the matter to be such an authority.

It is indeed hilarious how much the writers on Jalopnik seem to loathe Elon Musk. I don’t get it. Especially in a world with waaaay bigger billionaire assholes in it.

I was totally gonna buy this, but then you made me feel weird for wanting it.

I was totally gonna buy this, but then you made me feel weird for wanting it.

You Classicists and your Peter Brown “Rome didn’t fall- it transformed” nonsense. pfft I say. pfft!

uh, this was dopey, contrived response.

Wow, somebody’s a bit jello...

Get Out, is an ok film, but it is waayyyy over hyped. Its literally just the Stepford Wives (w/slightly different angle), with black people instead of women. Its not all that originally really.

lol wut? I’ve been eating Salt n Vinegar chips in North Carolina my entire life. This is not some new phenomenon in the U.S. Even at at sandwich chains like Subway they always had them

I don’t own or plan to own a Tesla (can’t affordem), nor am I a car guy in general honestly, but anytime I flip over to this blog for a bit I notice the commenters on this site always start whining about “Tesla fanboys” coming to flood the comments here with pro Tesla propaganda. But I notice italways seems like

What about TJ Warren? I feel like he’s a solid young player who should continue to elevate his game over next couple of seasons. That gives them a really nice trio of young guys to build around.

I’m white guy from the suburbs, but black & milds were the first type of tobacco my friends and I tried as a kids. Cigarettes were too gross, cigars too expensive- black & milds were just right.

I have lived in Miami, Ft Lauderdale, Myrtle Beach, Dayton. The beach sucks. It’s gross and cancerous, and it’s uncomfortable. I finally moved away from the beach.

15 fps for 4K sounds really bad. What use would one have for 15fps 4k?

15 fps for 4K sounds really bad. What use would one have for 15fps 4k?

Luckily I’m not dopey enough to live anywhere that it gets that cold. :-)

No, they said they named them after Confederate generals in spirit of reconciliation for that particular war. No such reconciliatory gesture was offered for revolutionary war loyalists in this circumstance

If you mean that they went to unc Asheville unc greensboro , etc, those do not count as having gone to UNC. They have there own sports programs, endowment, etc. They aren’t just “satellite” campuses of UNC chapel hill. Totally seperate schools/entities.

Don’t worry, the people bashing on Duke are “fans” of unc basketball... but didn’t go to school there.

Canada was but a small part of D-Day get over it. Was American planned, with American ships, and mostly American troops. Thanks for helping though!