Her expression here is exactly why no one sees her as sexy. She looks like a kindergartener who’s really pleased she got to wear her party dress for picture day!
Her expression here is exactly why no one sees her as sexy. She looks like a kindergartener who’s really pleased she got to wear her party dress for picture day!
It’s a case of wanting to be objectified due to solely your own merit (body/sex appeal/”lewk”) vs objectified based on your family’s history.
Econowives are allowed to breed
The book answers all your questions....so let’s assume the show eventually gets there too!
Thankfully the appeals judge seems to see through the steam coming off this pile of turds appeal
Arthouse latte. Kept reading that and was very confused why some edgy clothing company would call themselves arthouse latte.
I guess she can afford to be frugal when other people are footing the bill
“Is this just a great big middle finger to everyone who’s educated?”
From everything we know about him I’d guess he prefers the “thrill” of cheating and potentially getting caught. If his wife “allowed” him to have a side piece then it wouldn’t be as bad-ass...
Anne Klein jeans! Swear to god, the “skinny” version is EVERYTHING you just described. They’re tailored for a mom-bod, which I have despite not being an actual mom, but fit amazing!
John. Name that baby John Smith.
I know a Jinger 😁😆
Less and less awesome every week as he renegs on all of the election promises he made that got him into office
Buy a mattress cover that encompasses it, keeps out bed bugs, dust mites, and any bodily fluids.
They were never married
Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale follows through on what happens when the government decides what is done with you right body.
They’ll just be able to travel out of state for their medical care.
Double names are different! That is more like swinging your balls around because you consider your family name to be so fantastic: