Is that the trumpvoters or the Hillary voters?
Is that the trumpvoters or the Hillary voters?’s worked so far.
Hilarious. In the very article linked, the two polls I referenced, Survey USA got an “A” and PPP got a “B+”.
No, the polls I referenced were Survey USA and PPP.
Not really. You made a Rod Serling reference...
Can you elaborate on the Walmart comment?
Maybe you’re the one who is crazy, mixed up and backwards.
Weird, the last FL poll has Clinton up by 4 and Iowa up by 2.
It's incomprehensible that he is only a few polling points behind Hillary.
Well, if you want ink in your hair.
What question was that...
The votes she accrues advocating this policy will not make up for the ones she loses.
Then by all means let’s start on the backs of taxpayers who can’t afford to send other white parents kids to college so they can invest in a vacation second home.
This will sink Hillary. I love that sanders stayed in the race.
What about everyone who has already taken out student loans?
“non-English-speaking Chinese immigrants who might not report crimes”
Some do, they just don’t get it.
Yes, a totally unknown politician like Joe Biden...
Protecting Jews coast to coast.
I do what I can.