

Or, someone who thinks gawker got what it deserved.

You're Smunny.

Lutkin forgot to say “Millennial Manager”.

TeamHogan was taken...

No, he was in “The Analization of Nick Denton”.

That was unfortunate.

Good thing for Brexit, the EU wouldn't allow that kind of thing.

The patrons names were levy and Goldstein.

It’s over, time to

Ok, gawker and Paul Ryan.

No, I said “cares” which is a present tense not “cared" which is a past tense.

Probably, but that's beside the fact that Hillary is the weakest candidate the dems could run against trump.

Here’s the numbers for those that are link shy...

Of course there are no sanders v trump polls since Hillary clinched the delegates but that was only 5-6 weeks ago.

Ya, two days ago.

Yes, now all they have is incompetence.

Almost as much as has been spent on bridge gate.

I can assure you, the pubs wanted to run against Hillary.

Biden was told not to run, it was hillarys turn since 2008. He wanted to be begged. With Hillary out of the way, If asked, he would run.