
I haven’t finished it yet but agree the plot is odd. All the cutscenes could’ve lost their exposition and it would have been better. Doom 2016 was tongue in cheek but also drier humor and moodier. Eternal was more GI Joe cartoon but rated M. Just leave things in the background and the Slayer is just momentum passing

I get it being annoying when you farmed a great gun but I fail to understand some of the hyperbole around this. Like, if they introduced a gun with auto aim that one shotted everything and had infinite ammo and no reloads, wouldn’t that be a little stale after a while? At a certain point it’s like playing with god

I remwmber the early days of Steam. I hated that thing. It felt like obnoxious bloatware that comes prepacked into Windows. The internet army of people defending the de rigeur monoply of Steam against a competitor (who is obviously in it to for real) is absurd. The games cheaper but you have to use another launcher.

What’s bizarre to me as that as General Counsel his primary duty is to the company as a whole. If he had knowledge of child pornography and a highly unusual loan his duty was to report that to the board or someone else high up the corporate ladder (head of audit maybe) which doesn’t seem he did? Also, fun fact:

Most probably feel okay about it. People spend money on things they want, be it a cheeseburger, latte, beers at a bar, mobile games, or even just the most recent blockbuster video game. I think the pity is misplaced.

After finishing the game, I wish they would’ve started the game with how the last bit begins. That was genuinely cool, different, and surprising to me. I could even see a new gameplay mechanic that could’ve been spun out of it. Spoiler-ish thought: almost a Pikmin type mechanic.

I think it was a play on venerable being sort of a synonym for elder. It was just a little hint or clue to help them know it was “elder” scrolls.

I think part of is the location and tone the Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It doesn’t come off as a “fun” game. It’s about darkness, seriousness, and “shadow.” From the marketing push I don’t really get a sense of adventure, mystery, or exploration. They’re really keen on the moral quandries and heavier themes. Which is

Does look very cool. Hopefully early 2019 doesn’t mean it gets swamped by the increasingly crowded release window of Q1 2019.

It’s like that time I went to the store and they had apples. Since that was the fruit they had, I didn’t even care what other fruit there was in the produce aisle. I was out. And I made sure to tell this fact to all the other customers I passed in the parking lot. 

Deeply thinking about something is obviously not this Filip guys strong suite but I wonder if he’s ever fully followed the logic of this thought process. Like, leaving side whether word for word copying is the only real type of plagiarism (which is a dumb argument), if you’re recycling entire thoughts what are you

It seems he was actually after the card pack info and the “momentum” data that would show whether the game makes the game artificially dramatic by helping out a losing team. The interesting thing is I don’t know if the GDPR covers that since arguably that’s more of EA’s info and not necessarily data about him.

I also think this article conflates some points. Should the artist get acknowledged vs. compensated? I think licensed dance moves is a Pandora’s box. The irony is that if Epic makes a bunch of generic dances instead of these currents ones, I think it benefits the artist even less. And these “original” dances then

I think it’s now defunct but the AV Club used have a series called “pod mass” or something like that. It was a round up of podcasts and descriptions. Not a retelling like this one but that’s the closest I’ve seen to this as a regular feature somewhere. 

I would keep in mind Anthem was a passion project Bioware came up with on its own. It’s wasn’t something forced upon them by the EA “overlords.” This was Bioware’s attempt to do something different than usual, hence the code name Dylan. Now, different isn’t always better but I think an accurate context is helpful 

I think the complaining really does come from the fact that it is really fun to play, but so much of the game is like an obstacle to playing it. Instead of creating tons more content, it’s a ton of focus on the best way to incorporate a “grind,” i.e., artificial lengthening of the same content. Osiris is when it

I am wondering how literally dark it is. It’s a personal preference thing, but I generally prefer to have some well lit environments. If a game takes place entirely at night or in the dark I think it limits the visual variety. Also, I think it’s a little thematically over the top if they have shadow in the name, the

I believe this comment is half the length of a Tim Rogers bio. Hence, it is sufferably long. Wait ... is the concept of long functioning correctly here? After all, it’s a bio not a byline.

There a good people on “both sides” of this debate.

How does it compare to the first D:OS? I gave it a try but the quest system wasn’t my jam, although I did like how the combat was difficult and creative. I felt like I was retracing a lot of steps and always missing some object or information to let me progress (I think I prefer a little more guidance in where to go