
1. Disrespecting Mah Authoritay in the First Degree

I dont think we should be leaving supplies for people trying to come into the country illegally.

The thing is though, they can discuss it til they’re blue in the face. Unless they pass the same bill that already cleared the House, which was well short of what Senate Democrats were trying to get, pretty much any bill the Senate passes is pretty much DOA at reconciliation. So all McConnell has to do is let them

Right, nothing saying the Republican’s fix isn’t to just deport them as they find them rather than doing so en masse. Or, they can vote on what the Dems want, but just vote no. Hell, they can even pass everything the Dems want for DACA in the Senate, and then have it die in reconciliation with the House. Whichever

Because the best thing you can do in an ongoing negotiation when you get a concession is to taunt your opponents.

With CHIP no longer a factor, the GOP will just frame the next shutdown as those terrorrist Democrats choosing a bunch of filthy illegal aliens over our brave men and women in uniform who can’t get paid now.

The government loves their euphemisms, especially the current US one. Especially when it deals with their worshipping flock.

Michigan: The Florida of the North.

Transparency website Glass Tabletop revealed Saturday that just
before the Friday evening vote, Schumer received three separate campaign
donation from Immigration for Everyone, the Council for Alien Rights,
and the Southern Border Defense Fund — three groups that regularly push
for complete amnesty for all illegals.

I’m a singer and it makes a big difference!

Moral of the story:

No. You are incorrect. 60 votes is only required to start debating a bill on the floor. Per the Constitution, bills only require a majority to pass. the 60 vote threshold is ONLY a Senate rule and it’s a rule the McConnell can change or suspend at any time if he chooses.

No party can steal defeat from the jaws of victory as well as the democrats can.

Won’t matter. Trump os running out the clock while the optics are ALL BAD for the Dems.

No, we don’t want any ms13 members in Canada, even if for every 100 of them you send us a polack.

I wish people would stop calling children “tender age.” You know what else is tender? Delicious meat. Why on earth would you use a word that describes delicious meat when describing children. Are there no more words? No other way to describe children? Mmmm those succulent succulent children

So basically you’re saying that Canada has to be selective about the people it takes in, as opposed to America who is evil trying enforce their laws.

The leopards are coming for all your faces, assholes.

I posted the entire story.

Marijuana completely took away my phantom pain from my amputation. Previously the only thing prescribed to me was Vicodin. Was able to come off opiates completely and haven’t gone back! It’s almost been 2 years.