
He has sock puppet accounts to star himself.

The dems know that this is a perilous time for DACA and the Dreamers (sounds like a band when you say it that way). Immigration law needs to be passed by Congress, but DACA was construction through executive action of the previous administration. Trump canned that and told Congress if they wanted DACA they needed to

They were asked for a simple 30 day extension no strings attached and the dems refused. They are doing everything they can to avoid the rope.

I use alot of topicals for joint amd muscle pain.

This is a very informed and factual post. I appreciate that some people actually understand what’s going on with DACA.

Hahahahaha AP NYT amd more all blame the Dems.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the budget battle in Congress (all times local):

Todos mis amigos son latinos.


Calm down. Russia was a hoax played on you by Obama.

What people are gonna believe is what Trump showed them, not what Schumer and Pelosi TELL.

I’m squinting to read you in the greys. LMFAO

Yeah Trump doesnt care about rural America. That’s why he is arresting and deporting criminal aliens at a scary fast clip.

American Taxpayer.

Medical cannabis does wonders for any neuropathic pain, or neuro-anything, really. If it has to do with the nervous system, cannabinoids are probably your best bet. I should be getting my official Rx soon (Canada. My GP is just referring me to a specialist who will assign the appropriate daily dosage on the government

That was a bit mellow for my taste. If I was in Smart’s shoes, I would’ve gone Tarantino on her ass.

The governors of Colorado, Washington, and Oregon met with him to discuss how violent crime, addiction, and DUIs fell in their states after recreational legalization. So much for being about law and order. You’d think he’d have listened, given that we’re three of the whitest states.

Well, that’s a simplistic argument, isn’t it.

The nyt can go fuck themselves.

Finally, Sessions picks on someone his own size. However, the naughty little elf should check with Keebler corporate. His anti-pot stance is denying them billions in the edibles market.