Team Zissou

The current Hawkeye-fication of the Marvel books is similar to how the majority of comics emulated Ultimate Spider-Man for several years (aka, the age of decompression). That's how we got things like New Mutants and New Warriors relaunches with each issue focusing on one new character, introduced one at a time, or the

The Monster Men crossover was by Steve Orlando, so King is absolved of that one. In general though, it's not 100% accurate but I can say that if it's an issue drawn by Mikel Janin, it's a good one. If it's by David Finch, then it'll probably be bad. At least that's how it breaks down for me.

I really loved Omega Men because of the the central themes and purpose behind it, but I'll admit that the protagonists - besides Kyle - were left a little undeveloped. At the same time, I could see why it was kinda necessary to make their turnaround work at the end as the new ruthless rulers.

I kinda liked Vol. 1 but then I read Vol. 2 and thought it was even more boring - and a Civil War II tie-in at that. You're probably better off stopping now.

The Best We Could Do - This has been on my must-read list since I first heard about it. A graphic memoir told in the style of Persepolis or Maus but from a Vietnamese perspective, this was right up my alley. It lived up to my expectations and was beautiful and difficult but important to read. The modern day framing

It was worth seeing Columbus just for seeing him get a chance to demonstrate his range. It's probably the best acting job he's done. I wish those Star Trek movies had given him more notes to play, but I'm glad he's getting lead roles again. Growing up with a guy like him onscreen has meant a lot for an Asian American

They've announced that the DCEU standalone Flash movie is going to be an adaptation of Flashpoint. You know, that movie that can't even hold on to a director? Sounds great.

After I saw Ryan Gosling in The Nice Guys, I thought he'd make a perfect Stan Lee.

I could also never forgive him for taking Impulse - a really great character with a unique identity - and basically turning him into a Teen Titans-era Wally West just because he wanted the team to have a Kid Flash again.

Another thing is that Johns is starting to get nostalgic for his own terrible past work, which is why we're apparently getting our THIRD film/tv adaptation of Flashpoint. Hell, he even swerved us recently by writing a supposed Watchmen/Batman/Flash crossover (another terrible idea) and making it actually about

He attended D23 and accepted a Disney Legend career achievement award about 2 weeks after she passed. He seemed to be doing ok but gave a very emotional and moving speech about what Walt Disney meant to him and how much of an honor he was receiving. He even broke down near the end. It reminded me of why I just love

I still wanna catch Valerian in 3D but it's almost entirely gone from theaters already. And I live in NYC!

He's no Gareth Evans, but McKay has surprisingly strong action chops for a comedy guy. Anchorman probably has some of the best fight scenes in a comedy outside of Edgar Wright's work.

They instead raised the difficulty by giving you different enemy types who each required a unique strategy to defeat them.

So far it really seems like it'll be a great purchase for $15 or $20 during some holiday season.

On the other hand, I love these Apes movies and I can just pretend we're getting another one!

I never played it but was always intrigued by it because of its ridiculous name and absolutely bonkers supporting cast that no one ever saw again. Little did we know that it was an omen for future "classic" beloved characters like Big the Cat.

It sounds kind of like the split between Resident Evil: Code Veronica and Resident Evil 3. They both ended up including new features (the moving camera, the branching pathways) but only managed to share the quick turnaround move that helped fix a flaw in the tank controls.

It's also really underrating how much absolute charm the series had. There was something about that combination of visuals and music that felt like pure bliss compared to other sidescrollers at the time. Sonic's fast running animation was pretty spectacular at the time.

They don't even allow Nazi symbols. They're a country that's actually learned how to be rightfully ashamed of their past when it matters.