Team Zissou

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Vol. 1 - Creeeeepy! I somehow didn't expect quite this much horror when I picked up this book, compared to Afterlife With Archie's much cheesier blend of scares. The period setting and horrific imagery reminded me of classic horror movies like Rosemary's Baby. What an interesting

TETMD at least has the decency to have solid artwork from the Dodsons. The Batman minis drawn by Smith's best friend are just pure amateur hour. It's embarrassing that they even saw print.

It's fascinating that you can pinpoint the exact moment Kevin Smith's comic book writing career hit a clear downward spiral, and it's right in the middle of that mini-series. Before that, he had a fair amount of respect because of Guardian Devil (which doesn't hold up) and Quiver, which were both highly regarded at

After hearing good things about David F. Walker's other books, I was disappointed by how bland this series felt during its first issues before I dropped it. I later checked out Power Man & Iron Fist and realized that he could, in fact, write characters with actual personalities. Based on what I've read, this series

Didn't Ellis also write those Marvel anime films a couple years ago? I never watched any of them, but remember reading horrible reviews at the time.

After that last trailer, I have to say no thanks to this one. I already know I'm seeing this opening day and I don't need to fill in the last one or two surprises the movie still has in store.

I really imagine they'll downplay Whedon's involvement as much as possible, similar to how Disney handled the press about Tony Gilroy's role in the production of Rogue One. This news article itself seems to reassure that Whedon is very much working from Snyder's overall template too. He's probably just stepping up and

I wouldn't say I liked it, but since we're on the positivity thread I'll say that Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan were basically perfect.

I can't quite defend BvS as a good movie but it's such a batshit insane interpretation of the DC mythos that I can't help but admire it a little. It's like a fever dream of a movie, only held together by an overbearing bombastic score. There's something astonishingly bold about how they tried to use such an obvious

It was one of the very last movies I bought on DVD and I enjoyed it so much in theaters that I picked it up the week it came out. I unabashedly love that movie.

Looking at it again, it's almost hilarious how tiny the actual book title appears.

There was something cool about how they just made him an evil version of Spider-Man's regular costume, but veinier. It was a different take from the comics but a neat-looking one.

Stallone can be fine in the right context - he was recently magnificent in Creed, for example - but I definitely cringed a little as I heard him mumble-shout a bunch of jargon about what it means to be a Ravager.

Going through a lot of transitions these days. I just finished getting my second grad degree and I'm moving up into a big promotion at work for the fall. (Assistant Principal!)

My hometown comic book store feels like home to me. I spent a lot of formative years there and worked there during some crucial times in high school. The owner's been a strong adult male figure for me and has been kind enough to keep offering me a pretty big discount whenever I visit (and same for my brother). So

Also, Chamber was a descendent of Apocalypse at one point for some reason… ?

Oh man. That story lasted almost an entire year! And it just became more and more obvious they were going to hit the reset button, but the story just went on and on anyway. Even the most interesting aspect of it - the baffling revelation that Xavier was married to Mystique - is never explained and is completely

This is a good question! Right now it's my most recent one, my Henchgirl trade where Kristen drew the protagonist with a Team Zissou hat on it. It's the most personalized one I have, which automatically makes it my favorite.

I have a Phonogram Vol. 1 trade where Gillen drew the face of a dead Lil Loki next to his signature because I told him how much I loved Journey Into Mystery.

Dept. H - Cool new series by Matt Kindt that's clearly packaged to be the next MIND MGMT. I'm really intrigued by the set-up here, with an underwater mystery that recalls the early chapters of The Wake. The creepy horror vibe definitely fits with Kindt's art style. It's too early to call anything since it feels like a