Team Zissou

At this point they're already a dream team: Deakins was cinematographer on both Prisoners and Sicario. Both BEAUTIFUL movies.


Although most creators seem to be liberal, what worries me is that barricades are forming within the community. The Mitch Breitweiser one stands out to me in particular. A lot of creators publicly tweeted about how they unfollowed him as a result. What disappointed to me was that there wasn't any dialogue here

This reminds me of when Neil Gaiman got upset with fans angry with George R.R. Martin for taking so long on his books. Creators are not your entertainment monkeys, they're people with real lives and concerns!

Since there isn't a thread about it, it would help me to unpack some of the recent sigh-worthy behavior from the comics community lately with all you fine people. It's the most political I've ever seen the industry get. I'll recap as much as I can remember:

I bought the Spiderfly Effect in issues because I wanted to support Robbie Thompson and Silk as much as I possibly can. I kind of wished I read it as an Infinite Comic on Marvel Unlimited instead, because it was obvious that the format was so much better for it.

During the past week, the most notable absence for me was in the smaller comics articles. Usually when there are previews for upcoming books, the comments section don't get a lot of comics-related traction. We could always rely on him to try and win back the thread from the snarky comments by posting comics-related

I liked the segments better when it was just Conan and Aaron. The jokes were more about the gameplay then. Since they've shifted to celebrity-focused Clueless Gamer segments, there's more joking with each other than actually riffing on the games. This Elijah Wood one is honestly one of the better ones.

I'm a pretty casual gamer and his Clueless Gamer segment was the first time I ever saw Witcher 3. The most impressive thing about his reviews is that he often taps into some solid criticism about modern gaming. The "Get across the street!" loop from Advanced Warfare and the endless torture porn of Tomb Raider

I remember him positively reviewing Assassin's Creed Unity and the latest Tony Hawk game, both of which were panned by the critics. It's possible he has a cursed touch.

It was shocking to me that this video didn't actually show a single combat mechanic! I know all FF games and JRPGs in general have a lot of cut scenes and exploration, but I'm surprised that Square Enix actually set them up with a sample of the game where there's seemingly no battles besides the one big whiff of a

Amazing Spider-Man has a scene that pushes right up to the edge of cheesiness. It crosses the line for some, but I'm such a Spidey geek that I couldn't help but get some feels when I saw all those people helping an injured Spider-Man by setting up some cranes for him to swing across.

Since you're in a sharing mood, what was your role in the production? Genuinely curious.

According to wikipedia, she's 42. I don't want to harp on this point too much because I feel there's a lot of sexism involved in classifying actresses by their ages whereas men's ages rarely get discussed. My point was: I thought she was easily credible playing someone who could have either been +/- 10 years from her

That was the part that shattered me too. Plus the part where he says "Let's make a baby" and she says "Yes" through tears of joy.

For some reason that didn't bother me much because it was Amy Adams. She broke through with Catch Me If You Can around 2002 and so we've been watching her onscreen for the last 14 uninterrupted years.

It was rather uncharacteristic of me, but I cried my balls off during the ending of this movie.

I actually liked that the dumb act of aggression came from a few scared American soldiers acting out of fear. Because I've seen a few sites - Vulture in particular - try to sell people on watching this movie by saying it's a cathartic message of unity after this disappointing election, I couldn't separate the election

Sure! Choose whatever makes you happy. Go to the book that brings you some light after this very dark week.

@Mikey:disqus Sure let's do that! Do you know what title you want to do? I'll update the calendar.