Team Zissou

It's pretty similar to his cameo in X-Men: The Last Stand in the first scene of the movie, which also includes a Chris Claremont appearance!

Oh I agree 100%, those are some of the best comic book events by far just because nobody was paying attention. The cosmic books haven't been the same since Marvel started seeing the money in them. Nothing really happens anymore because they can't disrupt the burgeoning cosmic movie universe that has only been

WWH couldn't help but be a letdown because its sandbox was more restricted than Planet Hulk. You knew going into the story that they wouldn't let Hulk murder Tony Stark or Reed Richards, so instead we basically got a couple issues of Rock-Em-Sock-Em Robots featuring familiar characters.

I found its predictability to be one of its strengths. I liked the twist that the Illuminati were trying to send Hulk to a deserted peaceful planet where he could live out his days, but they inadvertently sent him to a planet full of warriors where survival of the fittest was the main rule. Ironically, this planet

My favorites are:

Man, Gillen wrote my favorite Cyclops I've ever read. That "Plan B" just made me crack a grin at work.

Oh man, what a weekend of Spider-Man stinkers! Did you have time to work in Maximum Carnage as well?

How often do people torrent talk shows though? I think that the format tends to fall outside the interest of people who don't watch regular TV. Social media / youtube clips might be a more accurate metric to measure, but again, it's only been about a month into her show.

Tom Strong is one I've definitely been meaning to check out. I haven't read the Smax mini series either.

That store is really cool! The owner was always nice the few times I was in the neighborhood and had time to kill. One of the most memorable stores out of the many I've been to. The personalized toilet seats with original art by big-name creators are the standouts.

That was absolutely lovely. Thanks for sharing!

Moore famously has gotten into the practice of turning down all royalties he receives from movie adaptations, passing all of the money and name credit to his co-creators. I don't think he's at a point where he needs to give a shit about money.

There's an oddly disturbing element where Wally is so reliant on Linda as a tether to his old life, but he seems to have forgotten that he had kids. It's probably a wise move given the restrictions they have around the Flash characters, but I was surprised that they bothered to show them in a panel referencing The

That's a really good comparison. Bendis and Johns had similar positions at Marvel and DC, respectively, for quite some time - being the main architect behind their big events and seeming to be best buddies with the EIC.

All of the Vulcan stuff seemed editorially-mandated, and Brubaker has been pretty pissed about having to include all of that too. I don't mind Deadly Genesis honestly, except for the fact that they killed Banshee for no reason. =(

At the time, it wasn't a surprising thing for them to sign because literally every comic/collection ever made had gone out of print. They really got screwed because it was the first time a book didn't. EVER.

I know, but I remember there being more teases about characters returning. "Maybe if enough people buy these comics, we'll bring back those characters you want!"

Ah, binge-reading at B&N. My favorite free library! That's what I'll miss the most if we really do lose our brick and mortar chains.

Also, remember when it was a big deal that Lex and Captain Cold were joining the Justice League after Forever Evil? I think Snart appeared in maybe 2 issues?

Convergence turned out to be nothing more than 2 months of fill-ins while the regular DC staff moved to the West Coast and no one was paying attention. The whole suggestion of returning old characters was basically a bait-and-switch. Even more fans got driven away, hence the need for Rebirth.