Team Zissou

I know that it's easy to complain about the big name Image books that are missing from this list (Saga, Sex Criminals, etc.), but I think Lazarus should stand out as an exception because it took a book that was already great and approached near-perfect levels of quality during its 2015 run. I don't think I can say the

Regarding the "top of the list" part — I was confused by some of these rankings too, before realizing that it's actually just an alphabetical list, not a ranked one. That explains why Batgirl is at #2.

I enjoyed Fatale the least out of all their collaborations too. It's unfortunate it was their longest-running series. By the end, I just wanted it to be over so they could move on to something else. The Fade Out is definitely a superior book.

@disqus_ymxDRk9ul9:disqus and @disqus_DJWWatWznH:disqus, the Alex-Scott team-up was in the big Axis crossover that spun out of Rick Remender's Uncanny X-Force.

I also prefer Silk to Spider-Woman because it's one of the few female-driven Marvel books with an actual female creator — and a POC one at that!

I enjoy Silk even more than Spider-Woman. It's seriously underrated, and really came out of left field as a book I never thought I'd like. Dan Slott created the character and wrote her horribly in ASM. Robbie Thompson and Stacey Lee have done a really good job of fleshing out a likable, young-ish POC female

The characters associated with Agents of SHIELD have had the biggest push towards following the company line. It's annoying. Mockingbird now has a second ex-husband named Hunter even though we've never heard of him. Daisy Johnson was a really fun character during Secret Warriors and other parts of her recent history,

The Daredevil changes have been so irritating to me - I can't believe the number of positive notices I've seen. DD's monthly book has been on fire ever since the Marvel Knights days, only taking a dip during the tail end of Andy Diggle's run. The most admirable thing was that Bendis created such a deep twist on the

Theatrhythm is some really entertaining fan service. I loved putting together a party of my favorite characters from all of FF history, even if it didn't amount to that much. You're right about the metagame — I remember receiving a "Congratulations!" ending scene while in the middle of one of my campaigns because I

TPB prices seems to be going up at the big two as well, which is limiting my purchasing decisions at that level too :(.

The "Magneto rounds up the villains" issue was so tonally different from what the series had been doing up to that point. It's too bad that SIXIS damaged the book so much, but I understand the book only lasted as long as it did because it was willing to do crossovers. Luckily, the "Last Days" tie-in fared much better

I finally finished my Hawkeye Omnibus over the weekend. I was reading the series "monthly" but quit after the last few issues had their endless delays, deciding I'd just wait for the finished collection. I'm glad I did, because I feel like we've already forgotten just how GOOD this series was. Although the early

The ego trip is disappointing, but I think a detail worth mentioning is that Braff may have been the highest paid actor on TV during the last seasons of Scrubs. For such a perennially mid-to-low rated series, that's quite a feat to pull off. Dude had one hell of an agent.

I checked it out on an airplane and shut it off after 15 minutes after seeing an interminable scene where a Brooklyn hipster couple got into an argument over moving to L.A. vs. staying in Brooklyn. I realized this would be an entire subplot of the movie and couldn't change the channel fast enough to get away.

I've heard great things about Persona 4, but am similarly scared to dive into anything that has a length of 50-60 hours or more. It was recently quite a commitment for me to dive into all 3 Mass Effect games for the first time, knowing that it would be 90-100 hours all in. But at least that was 3 games and not 1!

From the initial trailers and the interviews, BvS seems to be a retroactive justification for the third act of Man of Steel.

WW escapes from the trailer relatively unscathed because she's the only character who doesn't speak.

This new trailer looks like Man of Steel meets Spider-Man 3. Considering that the last trailer was all grim dark all the time and this one is all camp, it seems they don't know which movie to sell. If anything, this marketing screams of panic to me.

I remember at one point there was even talk about doing it as a Broadway musical because they were having such a hard time getting it greenlit. What a crazy time we live in.

There were so many scenes that were outright hilarious, but it felt exhausting to watch in a theater. The human body can only handle so many non sequitur jokes before going insane. If it was edited down to a tight 90 minutes, it would probably have an equal reputation to its predecessor.