Team Zissou

He doesn't have the body of work that compares to Spencer, but I have to say that Tom King has made the strongest first impression out of any writer making his debut at the Big Two. With most writers they usually put in some time on creator-owned titles (Spencer, Bendis, Fraction) before getting scooped up. Tom King,

Another one: Kara's first costume attempt (the "I wouldn't wear this to the beach outfit) contains a few references to past Supergirl costumes. The headband in particular was worn around the time of Crisis on Infinite Earths.

What's really dumb is that this show's stupid fakeout has led many people to get spoiled about what happens in the books. I've had several people ask me by now if Glenn is dead in the comics.

I've been scared of revisiting AoA, but it was sooooo awesome when I was an elementary student in the 90s. I haven't risked any of those memories by going back to actually read it again — aside from Generation Next, just for that sweet Bachalo art. That mini-series, at least, holds up.


Is this true? This is the first I heard of it. I did a quick Google Search and only found this IFC article that states Boyle directed 2nd unit during that scene:

It's definitely worth owning. Without a doubt, Brian K. Vaughan's #1 work on a title for the Big Two.

Yale Stewart is such a disappointment. JL8 is a very cute web comic. I even got a quick Batman sketch from him in my sketchbook, but I can't even look at it without feeling a bit grossed out. The fact that his main claim to fame is a children's comic makes it even worse. I remember seeing screencaps from his predatory

Karnak reminded me of Ellis' recent Moon Knight book in a good way. Let's hope he lasts longer than 6 issues this time. I agree that Karnak was more of a dick than expected, and I'm a little confused by this Tower of Wisdom cult, but let's ride it out!

I thought that Uncanny Inhumans* #1 was terribly written. The absolute nadir is when the Reader responds to Triton, "I know! You don't have to keep explaining my powers to me!" Charles Soule was channeling Chris Claremont at his worst on some of those exposition-y pages. I can't believe they haven't used the All-New

It was pretty delightful to see Henchgirl show up on my Feedly app the other day:

I think Jimmy Olsen is the one Superman character who hasn't really been done right in any adaptation whatsoever. The closest is probably Superman: The Animated Series, but even then the character was pretty underutilized.

I always mix up him and Jason Clarke because Zero Dark Thirty was the first time I saw either of them. Confuses me all the time.

I liked that the childhood trauma seemed to retroactively explain the ridiculous amount of "lying to Iris" that was masterminded by Joe last season. It's been a part of their relationship since she was a little girl, and he lies because he legitimately believes he can control her happiness. It's possibly a more

I thought it was a pretty big improvement from the Remender title with Sam Wilson, which was only noteworthy for the Stuart Immonen art. It's actually pretty exciting to me how controversial the Spencer book is turning out to be. I never thought I'd be that interested in a Sam Wilson Captain America title, but this is

It is kind of funny how it never gets brought up again. Jeff's dad is a building subplot during the first 3 seasons, and then after Dan Harmon comes back in season 5, he's never mentioned again. Harmon must have been pretty pissed because he was campaigning to get Bill Murray to appear as Jeff's father.

What's he up to these days? He was a pretty consistent name around Marvel for a good half-decade or so without ever breaking completely through on a breakout hit title. Still, I appreciated that he very much had his own voice and style that stood out in all his books — which is more than I can say for most Big Two

Victor's dad is technically revealed in the opening arc of volume 2 - still written by BKV! If you haven't read past that, you really should. Just stop right before Whedon's arc begins.

Good God. Comparing those two images in the article - Chase in the first issue of Runaways and then again in the last Alphona-drawn issue - just highlights how much of an artistic leap he took while working on that book. Just an awesome artist.

Another favorite from the ill-fated Tsunami line: Sentinel by Sean McKeever. That book was simply adorable. The Iron Giant for the Marvel crowd.