Team Zissou

That's a really good point. Similarly, I also got annoyed by how they all had incredibly hot wives considering how unpleasant and average the guys are. For a show that tries to push the edge with racey humor, it surprisingly leans back on that "Kevin James" trope.

Someone already took care of that for you, brother.

Download the cbz format if you want to read them on your tablet. The best apps I've found are ComicFlow (for iPads) and Perfect Viewer (for Android tablets). If you're interested in reading them on your computer, use ComicRack. Enjoy!

Future Imperfect was a pretty fun tie-in. Even Greg Land's photoshopped porn-face characters didn't make too much of a dent in these issues. I loved seeing PAD writing Ruby Summers, Layla Miller, and Rick Jones again. I'll buy anything that basically gives that man license to write whatever he wants.

Mad Love Deluxe Edition — is that the one that basically has all of the animated series comics written by Paul Dini? I read it recently and my favorite story was the one where a reformed Ventriloquist gets a job as a puppeteer for a kids show. He has a new frog puppet who is his best friend. Scarface inevitably comes

Just reading you describe the triple "Look behind you!" scene is hilarious. I forgot about it entirely until now. On paper, it sounds like a classic meta Simpsons joke.

Hey guys! I posted this a bit late last week, so I'll repost it here in case anyone would be interested. Maybe we could start a reading club?

That kind of sounds like Jonathan Hickman's Image book, Pax Romana.

He's a strange fit in this movie. He doesn't completely embarrass himself, but his speaking cadence just doesn't match the period tone. Surprisingly, he does a passing job with his action scenes. There's obviously stuntmen used, but it's half-believable for what it is. I assume his background in kickboxing helped out

That line made me laugh out loud and wish we lived in an alternate world where we could watch this Dragon Blade / Adaptation mash-up.

I think they mean "sequel" in the sense that it follows up on Apollo Creed's legacy, given that he died in IV. I wouldn't cross my fingers for an Ivan Drago appearance.

That was the last movie I saw at a true midnight showing. I got home at 4 AM. I haven't been to another one since.

*SPOILERS for a movie no one should see, if they haven't already*

The funny thing is that they were right:

I loved commentaries during the DVD era, but sadly I've fallen out of buying blu-rays. I also don't have the time to watch commentary tracks anymore. My favorites were the Sam Raimi/Bruce Campbell ones on the Evil Dead trilogy. In a way, commentary tracks are like a personally recorded Random Roles around a specific

That, and the huge payoff to the car's climactic jump towards the villain's boat. The fact that the leap was teased in all the ads made the epic fail even more hilarious in theaters.

On the commentary, are there specific stories or insights in the movie that are entertaining, or is it just generally goofy and enjoyable?

I tend to agree. The more candid a star is able to be, the better the RR ends up being. This is usually dependent on their careers, and I don't blame them for playing it smart. We've seen recently how much you can damage your own career by saying the wrong thing, such as Josh Trank.

Public service announcement! Groupees is selling a huge bundle on Valiant comics. For $15, you get a bunch of trades. It's a great deal. You get X-O Manowar Vol. 1-7, for example. I almost never buy digital comics, but this was a deal I could not move past.

Curtain Call is the BEST. It's such a great piece of fan service. Excellent nostalgia grab.