
He can’t abdicate, he is not on the throne, nor is he in danger of being on it given he is now 6th in line. He would have to renounce his title and place in the line of succession. It gets dicey from there because my understanding is that there would be a more involved process to remove his son from succession.

What exactly do you expect for them to do? And why don’t you think it is unforgivable that Charles has done nothing about it either? At least in public, since no one actually knows what happens in private.

The judge has blood on their hands. There have been so many cases of judges forcing women to give their child to an abusive ex or face jail time despite the women telling the judge the man is violent, and then the kid is murdered by the violent ex.

Which is why the only Hallmark movie with Jewish characters contains a Levirate marriage. 

Sanders is constantly wagging his stupid finger at people. Hillary Clinton disagrees with him in a debate, he wags his finger a her. Black women call him out on his bullshit and he wags the finger at them. He is such an asshole. 

Mayor Pete seems rather blah to me. I think it is great that younger politicians are making a bigger splash these days but he lacks the fire of his peers. If people my age  are going to run then they need to be challenging the establishment and he isn’t the guy who is going to do that for us. 

Even Peoria managed to do a better job catching a serial killer who was targeting black women. Chicago needs to get their shit together. 

Huffman is smarter than Loughlin, she knows that if she has any chance of saving her career then she has to at least pretend to be sorry. 

Huffman is smarter than Loughlin, she knows that if she has any chance of saving her career then she has to at least pretend to be sorry. 

I hope they throw the book at her and her gross husband for being so stupid and arrogant. They should have taken the deal. 

Preckwinkle might have shot herself in the foot when she awkwardly brought up Lightfoot’s sexuality at a debate. 

The law that existed at the time of the sentencing allowed for it to happen. He committed the murders along with three other men, including his own brother. They are known as the Ripper Crew. His brother was executed in 1999 and was the final execution in Illinois. The article below talks about some of it but be

Meanwhile a white man who raped, tortured, and murdered several women, was just released from prison here in Illinois. 

This whole thing is just a mess and people should want to move on but a bunch of white politicians seem determined to make this all about them. 

Rachel’s character in the movie has the most interesting plot line. Also her curls in that movie were part of what inspired me to stop getting my hair straightened.

I kind of doubt that Jussie knows anything about Geragos’ illegal dealings. And even if he did the charges against Jussie were state of Illinois charges. I think Geragos is a red herring in terms of why the charges were dropped against Jussie. This seems to be a CPD driven issue. The CPD is corrupt as hell. The story

How does that matter though? Smollett could always hire another attorney.

I don’t think Williams committed all of the murders but I think he committed some of them. When I watched the interview with the man whose brother was murdered and he saw Williams later near his home stalking around, that was eerie to me. As though he felt he had found a convenient hunting ground and had returned for

I just watched the documentary Jackson and it was showing several issues that this article is discussing. The ridiculous TRAP laws and the misinformation campaign by the anti-choice crowd and how it affected a clinic that primarily serves black women. It was super disturbing to watch an anti-choice white woman who

The trolling in the royal fandom has been intense lately. A lot of it fueled by all the ridiculous stories that came out last fall. I still think Prince Andrew and/or Princess Michael were behind the press leaks. The stupid story about the emerald tiara was just too obvious.