So if Harry’s wife ends up with HG they are defiantly werewolves, right? I mean otherwise it’s just really sucky for Kate and I feel bad for her and her werewolf family.
So if Harry’s wife ends up with HG they are defiantly werewolves, right? I mean otherwise it’s just really sucky for Kate and I feel bad for her and her werewolf family.
My only thought is the author believes this is the reason why women take so long to use the bathroom. Otherwise I don’t get it.
My hope for the Spencer-Pratt baby is that he will give an ultimate f-you to his dad and become like a doctor and work for the UN or DWOB.
If any of those gofundme places would let him have a page. I thought I heard that they wouldn’t support Nazis.
Aimee, according to the BBC the body that was found is in fact Kim Wall. Just wanted to let you know so you could update or do another article.
It’s only Tuesday, so you know, there could be more.
Oooo that includes the orange buffoon.
Trump is going to see that photo of her holding that eagle successfully and fire her for it.
Can you imagine if she was a woman of color? Best guess he would trip over himself horribly, or he wouldn’t say anything at all.
In WI and well and I have to stop myself from going insane whenever I see them.
Right? When the Zodiac Killer Ted Cruz manages to sound like a human being and you don’t you done fucked up.
Fun fact, you can’t trust a man who willing goes by a name that you would give to your pet.
Quick question, is Bigfoot a republican or a democrat? I’m going with a democrat because he clearly wants climate change to stop and is probably more on board with gun control.
He probably thinks it’s Gum and is wondering why NK wants to bomb it.
I can’t even. I hope somebody who knows him says something because that’s just not only rude it’s barbaric (barbaric isn’t quite the word I was looking for but it’ll do). I’m glad the lady is alright and hopefully she’ll get some answers.
My guess would be social security, the more elderly that die quicker the less that social security has to be paid out. This seems like a Paul Ryan scheme with trump icing on top.
I like your take more than mine. I thought he was hinting at the fact that he wanted to take pictures of naked ladies in his garden but couldn’t because of reasons.
Omg, Domino’s is disgusting. I think she’s only saying that because trump had a commercial/ did business for them.
I had to stop reading the post because it was bothering me on some level and I didn’t realize what it was until you said it.
I mean if I was drunk enough, and depending on how much I hated the whole thing I could be very drunk, I would definitely yell “Fuck Trump!” at least once if I was in that situation. I have no shame when I’m drunk.