I’m sorry but if and when I’m getting married I know for sure it’s not going to be at a golf club let alone one owned but that fool.
I’m sorry but if and when I’m getting married I know for sure it’s not going to be at a golf club let alone one owned but that fool.
Excuse me but that’s Wayne Brady.
Hey, to be fair to Kreacher he listened to Harry when Harry told him something, even if that meant listening to Hermione.
That was my thing. When I saw it come up on my Facebook feed, it said the president is preparing to head off on his first vacation and I immediately went “That’s a fucking lie.”
“Look, I spoke to Putin, Merkel, Abe of Japan, to France....”
I saw this come up yesterday on my facebook, and at a really quick glance out of your peripheral eye I could see how some one could make that mistake. But took actually look at it, omg that just makes monkeys throwing their own crap look smart.
I’m not going to lie, I would enjoy the Cheney commercial probably a little too much.
As a youning I believe that hunk is a good word, but I feel like I’m an old at times.
Oh, so he’s going to be a child slave? Good to know, that he offered to be that. Also, where in the crap are they finding these kids?
It’s that or trump is maybe more afraid of him because he’s a general or something. I don’t follow him on twitter, so I’m not sure how many tweets he actually put out today.
So I’m not sure who else is in line for worst father of the year besides trump, but when that awards show comes around this guy will definitely be there. He’s not busy, or as busy as he was when the child was born and he can’t pop in for 10 minutes to say hold him and say “Hey, little guy I’m you’re dad. Sorry about…
I had the same thought as a clicked on the article.
Considering it takes him up to 40 mins to release a second tweet if one is needed (ie. transgenders in the military) it can leave a number of countries and powerful people in suspense waiting (like the pentagon was).
Have you seen the video of the two little boys covered in butter who try to lie to there mom about it? This is almost like that but it’s not as cute and with out the skill.
No job, no wife. Man he really screwed the Mooch. It’s like a real life country song.
Shhh, don’t tell him that energy is science his head may explode!
Okay so how much was that co-host paid by trump to say that? Of course by paid I mean promised a large amount of money, but it was never received.
If that’s the extent of his involvement then that’s good. I had to reread the prayers part because I thought it said pay like he would pay for the child along the lines of child support or one large payment for it. Both words suck.