
You know what actually would have made this episode actually watchable? If the Michael’s active participation of the plan to use herself as bait to trap the Red Angel was inverted. What if she was completely unaware of that plan? With Spock, Pike, and Section 31 plotting behind her back, knowing the only way to trap

I understand the convention, but I always laugh imagining all the rest of the ship changing sides and committing treason without even knowing it.

The funeral did nothing for me, watching a character die when we knew she wouldn’t actually die did nothing for me, any time Tyler was on the screen that did nothing for me, but DAMN the Spock and Michael scenes did so much that I think I ended the episode feeling like I liked it.

A question I kept asking myself as the the trap was set; If they were attempting to trap future Michael WHY THE HELL INCLUDE MICHAEL IN THE PROCESS!?!?

This is what i was struggiling with throughout until the climax. Future Michale would know already of all their plans and would take whatever measures to prevent being captured whilst saving her past self at the same time.

I hear your suggestions on how to rename Star Trek Discovery.
My proposals:
Star Trek - the Michael Burnham appreciation society
Star Trek - the Michael Burnham tears (geez she cries a lot)
Star Trek - the Michael Burnham Monologues (geez, she talks a lot)
Star Trek - the world of Michael Burnham (everything is about her)

What Discovery needs in order to be respectable TV:

the idea that they were going to use burnham as the bait to catch her future self was very stupid considering her future self would know what happened.

Until we get some story lines that don’t premise all of their dramatic tension on people being related to each other or romantic clichés, just going to refer to this as Soap Trek.

Yeah... all variables describe thing that haven’t yet happened (are in the future). All predictions occur in the future. It’s a tautology. Not even one that sounds good.

Is there any technology that Section 31 can’t come up with?
I get that it’s meant to be alarming that the covert-ops people have resources available to them that are above and beyond the rest of the Federation. But this week it came across like someone at the top read a memo with the word “time travel” in it and then

Can we talk about Culber’s suit jacket/half-buttoned shirt? I mean, what the actual fuck is up with dressing like that on a weekday in the middle of space? Like they’re suddenly gonna spore-drive him to a hot date in West Hollywood on their way to picking up the time crystal.

Did anyone feel that the Airiam funeral was maybe intentionally similar to Spock’s funeral at the end of Wrath of Khan, so maybe they’re setting up the return of Airiam in some capacity, even if it’s just her consciousness or memories in another body or in the Discovery ship’s data banks?

What frustrates me about this show, and it frustrated me about the 2009 reboot, is the laziness of the writing. Ok. Star Trek has time travel. sometimes. Not all the time. Not even most of the time. Once in a while. But damned if that’s not the first thing everyone goes for when Star Trek falls in their laps. I mean.

Or they had her on a multi-year contract so killing her off in season two would cause her to be paid for 4 more years while not appearing on screen. 

i love DISCO (especially with Pike in it), and i really want to like Michael Burnham but i just can’t. Sonequa Martin-Green is either a very bad actress, or she’s playing Burnham very badly, but either case, watching her emote is stressfully miserable.

I’m still waiting for the reveal that Tilly is Neelix’s great grandmother (as well as Wesley Crusher’s).

After a great episode last week, Discovery took a giant leap backwards here.  The whole episode just felt very hastily and haphazardly constructed, which is odd considering how slowly the show built up the red angel arc all season.

Canadian Borg would be too polite to assimilate anyone.