
I'll take another option #3: he's confident that he can walk this particular tightrope.
So far it appears the Shadows are bad news for everybody, Earth included, and the uncharacteristic Centauri aggression threatens to spill over and shatter interstellar peace (…well, if not peace, then at least not-war). So Sheridan

@Masthead , Sheridan is in almost daily contact with the ambassadors. That will shape their opinions of him as well- it's not like their only communication is memos detailing EarthGov policy and how it is to be implemented. It's not only about who he represents, but how he represents them.

My favourite moment is when McGill orders his crew to come closer to the enemy: "How close, sir?"-"Right down their throats".

Well, since we know the Shadows were defeated a thousand years ago, it makes good sense that their ships can be hurt.
And even after people realize precisely what it is they're fighting, defeating a pack of Battlecrabs still comes at high cost.

Ron Thornton discusses the "recipe" the CGI crew developed for space battles here: http://www.themadgoner.com/… .
It's interesting to sit down and watch the scenes after reading this.

But the three are one: the One that was, the One that is, and the One who will be.

Yeah, but at this point in the season it's just Keffer's obsession with tracking down the Battlecrab. You wonder what's going to come out of it, sure, but I don't think a first time viewer would go "hmm, this fellow's actions will end up triggering both the good guys' and the bad guys' endgame plans".

Been reading the reviews since the show started, but not really commenting. Usually by the time I got to each review it already had this enormous tail of comments, and reading them all before posting was too daunting. But since this was a season finale, and full of highly charged opinions, wading in

Are you sure? Maybe someone moved the road between the time you left your house and the time you got back to your house.

Oh, a lot of people would like to be that.

Yep, she was quite good, wasn't she?

Yep. Called gaita or gaida, if memory serves.

Wow, that's amazing. It's almost like a completely different song. Consider this slacker greatfull.

Oh, well done.

Katsulas, it has to be said, was incredibly reluctant to participate. Apparently he considered his singing totally inadequate.
I've listened to a conference discussion with him where the folks bring up this project he just deadpans "I thought this was going to be a friendly interview".

Not completely?

Ah, good news! Thanks for the heads-up.

I actually like…well, not Keffer, exactly, there's barely anything there to form an opinion…but what the show did with him.
Even though he was a character added because of a memo/note/suggestive-eyebrow-waggle from "up top", and the intent in the producer's room was to bump him off, they still found a

Maybe we woulnd't be getting these moments. The two actresses have very different acting styles, and probably would have been written very differently. Look at how Sinclair and Sheridan are written, for example.
Tallman's features -and the way she puts somewhat more overt physicality in her

(jukebox noises) Yethhhh (jukebox noises)