
The insectoid 458 is not a factually prettier car.

Don’t judge me please I cannot stand when I go pee.

Vespa: Tainted Love.

Can we talk about how half assed and stupid this piece of black plastic looks? How GM of them...

Business’s relationships with their investors is one of the worst developments in our capitalist society. They are literally obliged (by law) to be evil to drum up profits, humanity towards their workforce be damned.  I believe a lot of our social ills are a result of profits.  ...Racism, and profits.

Why is it always fire some folks? Why can’t it be the top 100 executives take a 10% pay cut? Mike and Dave in customer service aren’t responsible for a 4% decrease in gross margin, but you know who is? Fucking Kevin, VP of the fucknut division who axed the focus and fiesta.

It sounds like your date was testing whether or not you had a sense of humor.

Now playing

How people who buy these things manage to procreate is beyond me.

The diesel fender makes me think this has been in a wreck, the cut springs tell me someone wouldn’t pay the few hundred for proper lowering springs.

They didn’t even think to just install an MCAS system to compensate?

Yes, America is a demand-starved economy, starved by the hoarding by the powerful.

The big lie of the rich is that if you place money in their hands, they know what to do with it. But one person with a massive amount of money has only one brain to decide to do with it. If that money were distributed instead among many

It’s a sign that this country has too many self-indulgent wieners with too much bloody money.

A most perfect metaphor for the modern economy. 

They arent blaming all of their troubles on Trump, just the tariffs that cost their business over 100 million dollars. That was all Trump for no good reason

I had a 1998 Dodge Neon in high school (about 11 years ago). Yeah it was cheap, yeah it was falling apart, but it was tough as nails and reliable as hell. Admittedly I beat the ever living crap out of that car but it never let me down. I finally sold it for $500 at 400,000kms. I hold a soft spot in my heart for the

Driving a car from showroom new to 1 million miles in a (relatively) short period of time is a feat of driving. That’s a person who did an amazing, physical, challenge. All they had to do was maintain the car according to spec (starting with a perfect example, mind you), and just, drive a lot.

I starred you, but I don’t even think the PT Cruiser, cabrio or regular, is that ugly. It’s now an aged design, but I still dig it.

Also, I’d rather see more PT Cruiser cabrios and less Rav4s/CRVs/Escapes(Kugas)/Tiguans... on the roads.

I’m sure those statistics are great comfort to all the people scammed by Trump and Gov. Walker over the FoxConn manufacturing deal.

I do love the double-standard here. If this had been a 1995 GM car, there would be all kinds of comments about “typical GM junk.” But instead, because it’s a 21 year old piece-of-shit Honda, somehow it gets a pass...