
Lord, that was twelve years ago?!!!!!

Am I the only person who finds the GT-R hideous looking? It’s got the performance specs to shut me up, but man, this thing is ugly. Like, Juke ugly.

We call those people racist

I flash my brakes at them first 3 times, if they continue to tailgate I slow down until they go around. This is of course on 2 lane roads. On 4 lane roads I am in the right lane 99% of the time (unless passing). Looks like the guy got what was coming to him IMO.

Ok, maybe..... but $47,800 buys you one of these:

I’m surprised no one else noticed it. Right at about 17 seconds, a pelican flew across the track. Frankly, it was masterful driving to avoid the bird and not write off the car.

It’s a fucking SUV that does 0-60 in almost under 3 seconds. Go whine about something else.

...it isn’t a “performance” vehicle. It’s a fucking SUV that happens to have the cool feature of being able to out-run ANYTHING in a straight line. Nobody (including Tesla) claims this thing is designed to, or able to, hot lap a track for an hour straight.

God, I fucking hate people making up reasons to hate on these

The older I get I realize - not having kids is the greatest thing on earth.

So the 21-year old with a 5-year old was being irresponsible? Get out of town.

Eliminating the fear that you will be murdered to death by an F-150 or Range Rover

I ask myself this everyday, how can the most adamantly Christian parties in the US, be both the most aggressive when it comes to military action and the most close minded when you even approach anything that can even loosely be defined as Socialist.

Reagan a leader? Oh please, he wasn’t even running the country towards the end. Video review all of his public gaffs. There’s indications he was already suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s.

Utter right-wing nonsense. Both travel with staff and ask people to be aware of their broader impact on the world and others. Traveling is not hypocrisy if you’re spreading mindfulness.

Real leaders? Who would turn the Pope away because he brought his own car? America, land of Freedom, but you have to ride in our car. Great message.

BBC to announce new Top Gear host: Pope Francis

Wrong. I can sum up the only reason there needs to be to buy a manual in one word. Fun.

Seattle and Portland aren’t bad - mild climate, lack of real vehicle inspections, general appreciation for odd and old things: