
But you can’t support the troops and be for national health care; that’s illegal in this country.

“I think Catherine was caught off guard and said something off the top of her head.”

The Tennessee criminal code basically says any abortion not performed by a doctor is an illegal abortion. The code is dour and restrictive, but wouldn’t effect medical abortions performed by doctors in hospitals or clinics.

At 24 weeks, there aren’t many other options. 24 weeks is the upper cut off for many states, the rest hover at 20. Many physicians will refuse to perform an abortion after that point unless there’s a health complication, and the procedure (plus travel) is expensive.

Somehow I feel that someone who is sympathetic to domestic terrorists would interpret “disrupting a doctor’s practice” very differently than someone who recognized terrorism as what it is.

“So the labor secretary pick has a chain restaurant that is a hotbed of sexual harassment.”

Turn into the weird. Get matching t-shirts. (I really do this, if a situation is weirding me out I try to out-weird it and get my balance back).

Beat me to it. Every time someone mentions “the abortion industry” I think of the Abortionplex and wonder why I can’t get a mani/pedi and a mimosa with my pap smear.

Gods of Squad

Thus continuing the process of draining the swamp into a biglier swamp. This explains the national budget rider for solid gold alligators.

She should take a step back, think carefully and figure out what to do next.

Also an artist. I totally get having one person miss this on the line, but I’ve never had a print-media project that didn’t cross at least 3 other people for approval.

Any artist worth their salt would google “woman symbol” just to make sure. Any editor should have too. Imagine the number of people this had to go through unchallenged. That is sad.

People like Larry Craig want to make sure their wide stances are hitting their target audience.

Coming soon to the Chuck Tingle library.

There’s precedent.

I hadn’t considered that but you’re right. It’s like broke art students and cigarettes, somehow there’s always enough money to buy another carton.

They annotated the shit out of it, to the point where it includes historical publications inside as reference. You can see some images of what the final product looks like here, and it’s DENSE. And aside from the context, I also can’t picture your average skinhead shelling out $65. This is definitely a book for

Women’s bodies are very delicately balanced compositions of sugar and spice built around an occasionally bleeding shame void. Exposing too much of this fragile structure to the elements will destroy it utterly. Men, fortunately, have a special granite/steel alloyed carapace that protects them from even the most