
A good friend of mine customizes dolls. All kinds of dolls, mostly in the Barbie family, both for herself and as gifts or commissions. The reality is that means under her bed is a box of doll heads.

There’s a reason you don’t see his tea services out in public circulation.

Have worked in a company selling equipment to government institutions in China (we make museum supplies). Can vouch for what a god damned headache and minefield it is. My boss took a year long class that was basically called “how to deal with China.” But at least the worst thing that can happen in that situation is

I’m trying to decide how high these women are. The back room where they line up must just be feathers and joints.

Both. At the moment birth control counts as preventative care under the Affordable Care Act (including IUDs). If Trump/Pence manage to repeal it, then for millions of women the cost of birth control becomes an issue. IUDs are the most cost-effective method to jump onto because they will outlast a single

The marker for viability shifts as medical technology makes greater advances, but “viable” is not a marker for certainty. The survival rate for a pre-term infant at 24 weeks 40-70%. That’s a hell of a range, and requires a lot of medical intervention, including mechanical ventilation because they can’t breath (their

Hey so when I was in high school I had a terrible abusive boyfriend. He literally disappeared one day junior year and I found out later he had dropped out and joined the army. I moved to another state for college, and he started harassing me. He convinced people to give him my phone number and called, incessantly,

It’s even lower in MN for federal elections.

I used to frequent a forum where I got a tight knit social group. Some of the people were local and we met up. I became room mates with one gal for a few years, another gal is close friend of mine and now coworker.

A fairly religious Christian friend derisively describes Wicca as “lighting candles and wishing for stuff.” Speaking as an atheist outsider, that sounds like most religions, but I guess Christian candles are special.

An argument I have actually heard is that the protests and politics surrounding abortion would be disruptive and even traumatizing to students. And all these actions are of course performed by the anti-choice zealots.

So who wouldn’t they vote for? Ted Bundy was an active Republican in his younger years. Conventionally handsome, driven, would they vote for him?

My boyfriend used to be a bartender. What I’ll do when he goes to visit his family Sunday, I don’t know.

What a birch.

Mall of America. A place mostly occupied by tourists and suburbanites.

It was great when I was in college and had a job at the MOA though. I think half the people I knew worked there getting through school. But we were literally being paid to go there. Other than that I don’t know who else uses that stop.

Fuck but that is horrible.