
So your goal was to...further assert that she is a shitbag? Success.

it is dangerous to assert that any category of people deserves a blanket presumption of innocence”

Holloween 2018 made a shit ton of money and got unexpected rave reviews...of course they made it into a trilogy with diminishing returns. It's the horror movie life cycle. 

I give Ledger’s Joker this, he didn’t have an origin scene. He comes out of nowhere. He’s just an avatar of chaos.

It was a good unintentional laugh that he got her name wrong in the same paragraph that he sneered at “out of touch” people that don’t keep up with current music enough. And unintentional laughs are the most that Barsanti can really hope for! 

Those 3 extra years really give him a unique perspective.

No mention of Oculus? His largest box office hit?

Till had a lisp and accidentally whistled when he talked. That was described by John Edgar Wideman in Writing to Save a Life, which I recommend. The book also discusses how Till’s father was ALSO lynched for supposed crimes against a white woman.

So they’re bad because they’re not predicatable? Sounds like you’re more interested in going down a checklist of tropes than watching a show.

She was interviewed by Timothy Tyson, for his book The Blood of Emmett Till, in 2017 and he claimed that she had recanted certain parts of her story during the interview, but that he was unable to record her saying that on tape. It’s possible that her feelings had changed in the decade or so between her memoir and

Nah, the TV series are beautiful, I like that he gets to flesh out the characters more with all those insanely great actors. His films are absolutely sublime as well though. Absentia especially hits the spot

Oh I didn't know that. I'm going to rewatch them all AGAIN now aren't I?!

She’s hardly in that movie, spending her time in a hospital bed.

I realize that this hasn’t a thing to do with the content of the article, but I’d like to thank you for not making this another goddamned slideshow.

Tomlin seemed to have given back as much as she got. I think she took a little bit of a career hit after that though.

morality clauses

Midnight Mass is my favorite thing he’s ever done, and was a 7 episode miniseries. No need to say it’s “bloat” because you don’t like it. This is the third critical smash of the four Netflix projects he has released.

she’s been upfront that she’s disinterested in any relationship change

There was nothing confused about it

Most of them have magical white hair.