
The Velaryons are a separate family with their own distinct backstory on the show (they were dragonless shipwrights, sailors and merchants while the Targaryens were dragonlords). No one on either series ever once even hinted at “literally all Valyrians are white” so it’s basically been explained at this point

Both of the Velaryons and Targaryans were defined by characteristic Valyrian traits. In the show, these traits are taken to be the absurd colours of their hair and their resistance to fire. In the books, it’s their hair and eyes.

Perfect gif-reply is perfect.

The Jurassic series has sucked for the last quarter-century, because it was a premise that was only sustainable for one movie and they made that movie already, it was called Jurassic Park.

Wtf is wrong with you

Wait...let me get this straight. Because some youtuber made an analogy now...you think something is funny? Based on what some youtuber said?

You can be an adult and still be someone’s “child,” so I think the attack there is less “she’s still like a child” and more “she’s his step-child.”  (Yes, I recognize that technically she was not his step-child, since he and Farrow never married, I also recognize that is completely beside the point!).

I still think it’s a great book.

dont let facts get in the way of outrage

Dylan Farrow accused him and also there are the underage photos of Soon-Yi.  It’s a pattern.

Actually, yes. Yes, it did. For me, at least.

No, that was Michelle MacLaren who is probably best known for her work directing Breaking Bad where she directed more episodes than anyone else and was a huge influence on the look and style of the show.

Made me spit out all my coffee. 😆 

That’s because she wasn’t

This nihilism is false.

Police don’t work with these TV shows out of the kindness of their hearts. They do it because they know it works in their favour.

They just misspelled Hasan Minhaj’s name—repeatedly—the other day.

Every dinosaur in Jurassic Park was a single mom, you dick. 

In what way was Oliver’s take propaganda... in terms of the definition of propaganda, not in terms of “he disagree with me”?

The truth is, the vast majority of people do not form opinions on police based on procedural cop shows. John Oliver, once again, has made a point that doesn’t need be made. He has, once again, created a grievance that isn’t really there.