
It’s the first film I actually liked from Rian Johnson, after being indifferent to Last Jedi, disliking Looper, and hating Brick.

Ana de Armas was the real star of the movie. I didn’t care for Blanc’s inclusion in the film at all.

secon place

I prefer the original. I just can’t buy Herzog’s ending.

Hey, that burning bush wasn’t invisible!

No way is The Batman getting any acting nominations. And comparing it to actors who won for playing the Joker is dumb, because Penguin is a much more minor character (and does less Acting, relying instead on makeup effects to just look different). A number of other selections here also have no chance, but that one

I’d bet against it.

That would fit the South American setting.

Her parents were already living in Argentina, so “moved to” isn’t quite the right phrase (I wouldn’t say I’m from the specific city I was born in, even if it was the same state I grew up in). And it’s not that strange for someone in Miami to speak Spanish first :)

Bicycle ownership is indeed one of the perks that comes with clerical privilege, along with being able to escape criminal prosecution once you prove you can read.

She is technically an American citizen, having been born in Miami when her parents were on vacation. An anchor-baby, if you will (that’s the offspring of a competitive boater).

Didn’t Snake also escape from Cleveland? We haven’t gotten that movie yet.

Good point about NY theater, where it seems they have been important going back a long ways (Broadway was founded by the Schubert brothers), but my understanding is that early American cinema was centered around New Jersey and controlled by Edison. People going to California to get out from under his thumb and

She’s from Engerlund, a tiny country you can walk across during your lunch break (though they call it “tea time” over there, by orders of the late queen). People who cannot walk or simply want the tourist experience ride double-decker busses, which are formed by stunt-drivers driving a bus off a ramp to land on

go it in you

I can see from the timestamped comments that my memory is correct and this review appeared 2 days ago. So why is it on the frontpage now?

My understanding is that his comment was a reference to Kyrie Irving rather than Chapelle. Stewart joked about Irving being an adult put in a time-out until he said sorry.

Banks are a worldwide industry of many ethnicities going back a long ways, but Hollywood is a specific place which really was built by Jewish-Americans. Like Joel Stein, I don’t see anything bad about acknowledging that.

My understanding is that the “censorship” Stewart was talking about was Kyrie Irving rather than Dave Chapelle.

No, and in fact I only heard of that song today when reading a Vulture article making that joke. Also, it was actually Peter Fonda who said he knew what it was like to be dead!