
I don’t think that’s actually the defining feature of these eras of cinema.

There are genres, and there are IPs. Movies like Unbroken or Mystery Men contain superheroes in them but aren’t vehicles for commercializing existing IPs, which is what most superhero movies are now.

Perhaps he thinks the problem with the 50s was the attempt to compete with TV via gimmicks like 3D.

What films of his was Olyphant in other than his most recent?

“If I don’t make this movie before the end of the year, I’ll die,” Stewart told IndieWire earlier this year—now circumventing her death.

Huh, as far as I can tell there are just shorts, with the most recent being from the 40s.

When are we getting our Krazy Kat feature!?

Medical technology has come a long way since then.

No, there were actual theatrically released sequels. My Summer Story was the first of them, and the only sequel I’ve seen, but another was actually titled A Christmas Story 2.

Precisely because the US had an explicit racial caste system there was such a thing as legally “white”, and Jews (along with other European immigrants) always qualified.

Russell Crowe is one whose name still feels like a guarantor of some degree of quality. Merely two years ago, for instance, Unhinged sold itself entirely on the premise of “Russell Crowe is going to kill you.”

Lincoln was a real person. Modern historians are doubtful about the biblical account of Jewish captivity in Egypt, believing instead that the pyramids were built by local farmers during their off-seasons.

Criminal is a legal matter, and the protagonist of the film makes all his money from armed robbery. And I’m fine with watching a film with criminal protagonists like “Goodfellas” precisely because it doesn’t ask me to believe that someone else’s failure is responsible for their actions.

Back in 2014 Ferguson did stand out as a place which had shifted to a majority African-American population while elected officials were still mostly white (I remember at the time Radley Balko suggesting it no longer had the tax base to support a government separate from St. Louis but its self-interested political

It’s an unplanned coincidence that “They Live by Night” is the last movie I watched (just last night), and I have free passes for a screening of this in a couple days. I honestly wasn’t that keen on Ray’s film, I think he sympathized with criminals a lot more than me.

Ferguson does now have an African-American mayor:

I don’t see a whole lot of similarities between the situations of African-Americans & Jewish-Americans... but then Dave Chappelle himself is in a VERY different situation from the average African-American.

Governments, I’ll grant you, but Jews really did build Hollywood and run most studios:

I thought it was Southeast Asians running donut shops, though perhaps that’s a SoCal specific thing (not that I’m from there).

Either it’s back, or I just failed to find it on youtube for some reason on Halloween: