
No, that was the son of of the guy played by Viggo Mortensen in Green Book.

The surname “Jerimovich” sounds like it was going to be “Jeremy” but changed to be more Chicago & ethnic.

It sounds a little like they’re mocking the premise of Love & Gelato from earlier this year, although the most likely explanation is that a romcom about an American woman visiting Italy for the food is too obvious an idea. It raises the question: should Susanna Skaggs be cast as the younger version of Alison Brie or

Little Hours is the example cited earlier, since Baena also directed it. Checking up on Joshy (which I never saw), they’re both in that as well.

Although if you had phrased it “I hope someone drops a piano on her head”, that would be closer to advocating violence.

I was thinking Pope Francis could be the most famous globally, which would make for a very different movie.

Perhaps Putin actually believed in his much-hyped cyberwarfare capabilities, which is why he thought he could just waltz into Kiev.

That might sound implausible for most people, but then you see Ezra soaking homework in gravy and shoving it down the dog’s throat.

Dunk & Egg is yet another series set in Westeros that GRRM hasn’t finished. And there are far fewer pages to adapt for that than the main series.

Chuck was giving Jimmy advice on his legal career throughout the first season. It’s a surprise at the end of it that he was the one who blackballed Jimmy from HHM. I think the most coherent explanation is that Chuck believes Jimmy will do the wrong thing on his own, which is part of why it’s necessary for Chuck to be

It’s not intended to get Kim out of anything. Kim freely gave a confession after Jimmy rather rhetorically suggested it, and then when he discovered she had actually done it he decided to do the same himself.

One quote closely associated with Walt-the-invincible-badass is “I’m the one who knocks”. And it’s a lie: Jessie was the one who knocked on Gale Boetticher’s door and then shot him because Walt himself was about to be killed. Blowing up Gus was something Hector did (admittedly, with lots of help from Walt he couldn’t

You and Parliamentarian of Crows can discuss its merits as an ending, I didn’t read that far.

Vincenzo Natali’s credit should be Cube. An excellent scifi horror film, but make sure to avoid Cube 2 by some other director I don’t feel like looking up.

If I said “I hate that bitch JK Rowling, I hope she dies of breast cancer” that would be a hateful statement. You could call it sexist or misogynist. But it’s not telling anyone to engage in violence. And it’s possible you’re an extreme libertarian who regards any paternalistic restrictions as violence, and hence

The first three Dune books contain more of an ending to the series than any of the A Song of Ice and Fire novels. God Emperor of Dune takes place thousands of years after the third book. GRRM has previously cited as uncompleted works Fitzgerald’s Last Tycoon, Peake’s Titus Alone and Dickens’ Edwin Drood, but the first

The article says she was reaching out to notify twitter, though I’m sure her being a famous bluecheck with lots of followers means Twitter will respond much more promptly when she publicizes something than some rando egg-avatar.

What do those acronyms stand for?

When did Rowling tell anyone to engage in violence?