
I’ve never seen an episode of Quantum Leap.

That’s better.

Previously the hosts of Film Club would tackle this sort of thing, but I didn’t notice any credits for these.

A little, but the Russians are still in Ukraine.

Julia Butters from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is also in The Fabelman’s in the younger sister role.

The anarchy is meant to represent what we all feel

Sr. Autumn Man caminando por la calle con una taza de café, usando un suéter sobre una camisa con cuello a cuadros

Yes, I follow movie news via websites covering films released in America. Although even they often don’t have any details on certain foreign-language films which have reached top 10 box office status here.

the perceived blossoming suppression of discourse”
“Blossoming” is an odd choice of word there.

“The Kindergarten Teacher (subsequently remade for the English language in 2018 by producer-star Maggie Gyllenhaal)”
Convention would be to credit the director, Sara Colangelo.

Manson isn’t claiming the sex at issue here was consensual, he’s claiming it was only simulated. Coercing someone into simulating sex would be bad, but it also wouldn’t be the same thing as rape.

I’d heard of De Palma’s “Hi Mom”, but not what you’re talking about. Apparently it’s not in English, which is why I hadn’t heard of it.

tropes that appear in the film are directly responsible for the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes

I don’t think most Chileans think of themselves that way. But US media has mistakenly referred to Anya Taylor-Joy as a “woman of color” because she’s from Argentina and speaks Spanish as her first language.

March isn’t the right month for this, but time & tide waits not for even Mr. Autumn Man.

I think von Trier just started a production company which produced porn in addition to his own movies rather than directing porn himself.

It’s not really a flop “era” if he released Cyrano in the same year and that’s not considered a flop.

“Marginalized”? What does that mean in this context? Chile joined the OECD in 2010. Even Costa Rica did last year.

Batman Begins didn’t have Joker as the main baddie either.

That caption referring to them as “amateur photographers” seems like a mistake.

Douglas Adams’ work-ethic seems more fit for a Douglas Adams story than GRRM’s is for his own.