
He has said that’s not the case, that he’s hasn’t written any of A Dream of Spring.

GRRM has in the past said that he was close enough to finishing Winds of Winter that he thought he could submit the final manuscript within months. But then after that he seems to go backwards and be even further from completion.

The title seems to be in imitation of “Varda by Agnes”.

You got me: I am indeed over the age of 30 and had never heard of this term. And I just watched three Nic Cage movies last week!

I really liked Killen’s short-lived NBC series “Awake”, and I recall someone saying his writing sensibilities were more suited to cable but he was contractually obligated to pitch to broadcast first. It would have been nice if that did the trick. But then I don’t think Bryan Fuller has run a show for two seasons

Another series where I’d say just the original is worth watching. Well, maybe not just the original, Shin Godzilla is also good.

I did not know that. I’ve only seen Jason Takes Manhattan & the original (in that order). Seeing JTM deterred me from watching more for a while, although my negative estimation of slasher sequels applies more generally.

I’m a fan of Mann, but I have been struck by how often his protagonists have hooked up with an East Asian woman (which is how you can identify the one episode of Robbery Homicide Division he has a story credit on).

I think it’s worth noting that in the original Friday the 13th the villain may have that as a motivation, the film itself makes a surviving “final girl” out of a woman having an affair with her boss and who drinks & plays strip-poker with the rest of the camp counselors.

If GRRM doesn’t complete the series, he will eventually die and that point his failure can be blamed on his death. But I think more relevant example (that I know many have cited to GRRM) would be Robert Jordan, who had a very long-running fantasy series left incomplete by his death. Jordan had Brandon Sanderson finish


Fitzgerald did finish multiple novels that were well-received, which is what he’s best known for now.

What would constitute a high bar in terms of book sales?

I wouldn’t blame GRRM’s failure to finish ASoIaF on him “doing something else”. He hasn’t really published any non-ASoIaF content in quite some time (he edits Wild Cards, but nobody is depending on him to actually write it). He started doing prequel content with Dunk & Egg, but he’s still only published three of those

I’ll take this 90s revival over yet another 80s revival with “angular” guitar or “icy” synth.

Cameron may say he doesn’t want sequels to be rehashes of the first film, but so much of T2 is just repeating beats of the first movie with a bigger budget and more advanced special effects. Aliens, on the other hand, is very different from Alien (and as Breihan’s A History of Violence notes, his script for Rambo bore

Sanderson himself has said he would never be willing to do that. He’s a Mormon, and doesn’t care for the kind of content in ASoIaF.

Maybe you don’t know, but if he ever did finish Winds, it would be an instant best-seller.

Tolkien had written all of LotR before submitting it for publication, and it was split into three due to paper shortages. GRRM said in the past (I think decades ago) that he wished he could finish writing his entire series first and only then publish any of it, but as a professional writer he couldn’t afford to wait