
I tried, found it annoying, then stopped.

I normally associate the term with stage acting. I don’t know why I do though, it may not actually be used more for that. Maybe I associate the stage with pretension?

I guess you’re looking forward to Villeneuve’s “Rama” adaptation then.

I remember watching that pilot for Oasis/The Book of Strange New Things. I still haven’t read that novel, and it would be years later that I would read Faber’s “Under the Skin” (after seeing the very loose but good in its own right film adaptation). I still don’t have Amazon Prime, so pilot season was the way I

My understanding is that when Amazon invited viewers to watch pilots, Chris Carter’s “The After” got the highest scores while “Transparent” got the lowest. Eventually Amazon gave up pretending they cared what viewers thought of their pilots.

Katie Rife refers to herself in third-person multiple times in that video. Perhaps she could have added a “Hey, that’s me!”

Boris’ “Drowning by Numbers” doesn’t sound at all like Michael Nyman.

That’s over my head.

The environmental specificity of The Rider, for instance, arguably wouldn’t come through as strongly if it weren’t for the film’s familiar get-back-on-the-horse dramatic structure

They must be sticky bandits rather than wet ones.

I had never heard of ‘83 before. Is that the first time weekend it’s been in the top 10? It would have been nice if this newswire had given any details about it.

Maybe in the medium of animation there wouldn’t be a budget constraint for GRRM’s nonsensically large chairs & walls.

GRRM reads your comment and decides not to release Winds of Winter after all.


Yeah, the subheading notes that it gets more viewing than “most network shows”, but those popular network shows don’t tend to generate a lot of thinkpieces either.

Now playing

I know of one person who will be very disappointed by Top Gun’s delay.

Maybe in Lebanon.

Waltz With Bashir was also a foreign animated documentary, but it was only nominated for foreign film.


It looks like you commented on the wrong post.