
implies that the only reason Lana came back for a fourth movie was that Warner Bros. would have done it with or without her participation

That bad, eh?

teetering the eternal Romeo And Juliet clash of warring gangs towards a genuine balance of perspective and sympathies

Nonsensical worldbuilding is different from zero worldbuilding. But she probably didn’t expect the kids in her target audience to think too much about how it all holds together (which was also my take on Heinlein’s Starship Troopers).

I was just looking it up on wikipedia because I forgot exactly how much points everything was worth, and near the top of the article found this quote

NFL scores can be closer than that, so that teams are forced to go for an extra point. But in quidditch it’s impossible for any positive difference smaller than 10 (which means you could shift the decimal place and divide everything by 10).

I only read up through Goblet of Fire, and I remember thinking it would have to be a very lopsided game prior to the snitch being caught for anything else to matter. And why does nothing score 1 point instead of a common multiple?

Some are more stupid than others. And quiddith was one of Rowling’s worst bits of worldbuilding (I’m not including her throwing out nonsense about wizards magicking away their own feces which I don’t think is actually in the books or even consistent with them).

I don’t really see a resemblance, but then there’s only that brief shot of her in which we can only see so much. I had also read she was playing a Pict, so I would have expected her to look less like a valkyrie.

Anya sounded like she was revisiting the Slavic accent she adopted for New Mutants. The blonde woman on a horse doesn’t look like her, but I also don’t know who else it would be.

Kate Dickie plays a Pict, which made me wonder if he’d played Hellblade.

I had a higher opinion of “The Night House” and wanted to correct your labeling of the woman the protagonist confronts, but I can’t think of a good replacement without spoiling things.

I liked Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which he didn’t direct. Every film of his I’ve seen has been worse than the film it was a sequel to or adaptation of.

On, the one hand, given my low opinion of Matt Reeves’ other spins on existing IPs, I don’t want to root for one of his movies. On the other hand, I want the pandemic to subside and moviegoing to resume by then.

I refuse to care about Spiderman, and I liked Fuhrman in Orphan, but I doubt I’ll see The Novice in a theater.

not sleeping for a whole awake for a week

Is Bill Murray’s character really based on the founder of the New Yorker. I’ve heard mixed things on that, since Harold Ross died before most of the time periods depicted here. William Shawn succeeded him as editor and was in charge then.

I read through that entire column and didn’t see a mention of Sly anywhere.

This is a Nancy Meyers movie.

I passed on this because I hadn’t heard very good things about it. Perhaps I was wrong to.