
You know, I have a feeling Louis CK is going to come to regret that bit a la Chris Rock's black people vs niggers. Do you honestly believe his takeaway was that we should all just stop giving a shit about injustice?

Nicely put.

Love the Jay Z reference. Less than thrilled with the sentiment.

Not at all flattering. I get hair fatigue too but she's so beautiful as a brunette, I don't understand why she keeps doing this to herself. Related: how dare she make fun of her brother's weight gain when she looks a hot mess?

Gah, that quote really rubs me the wrong way. How can people be so fucking deluded?

Dude, I look so good in the various cream/ivory colors, it's a shame. I also have a white skirt I absolutely LOVE. I totally understand if the idea of spraying chemicals on your clothes doesn't float your boat, but have you considered scotch-guarding your outfits? It obviously won't prevent spills but it can

My eyebrows are apparently thinning and have now become the bane of my cosmetic existence. I've dealt with acne, clogged pores and hyperpigmentation but all of that is EASY compared to the two strips of hair above my eyes. Who would have thought.

We-ell. It's a lot of little stuff that toes the line of racism. Stormfront gave him a donation that he refused to return. There was all that controversy over whether or not he made the racist comments in his newsletter himself or someone else did. Lots of comments about "forced integration" and "scary black

I considered clicking but decided I didn't need to see any of that in spite of my morbid curiosity. I have enough nastiness imprinted on my brain.

His bullshit crime bill expanded the prison industrial complex. His bullshit welfare reform, which magically targeted black recipients instead of the rural poor who make up the majority of those on public assistance, punished people for having children - it capped how much assistance they can get, basically forcing

Well stated. At the end of the day, all I want is for the GOP to get its act together and quit with their extremist candidates. Probably too much to ask in time for 2016 though.

As a WOC old enough to remember the injustices Hillary's husband wrought, you'd be surprised. I cannot overstate my dislike for the Clintons.

Totally possible.

Yeah, that's the problem. What do we do?

No! Take it back! Or knock on wood or something!

Those are all fair observations and that's probably the thought process I would follow too (but without the Ron Paul part because, well, I'm a minority). I just can't help but engage in idle speculation over whether Romney would even consider himself a Republican if we weren't dedicated to this two party bs, with

I dunno. Are we both talking about a particular anal sex act that I refuse to even name?

Global Beet just said there's a "slight chance" she'd vote for him. Which I interpret as she wouldn't dismiss him out of hand, probably because he's not completely unreasonable on economic issues. I'm as liberal as the next person but, sometimes, I want to hear from reasonable conservatives - especially when the

See, I don't know, man. I can't believe I'm here defending Romney, but his track record in Massachussetts was not all bad.

"...I'd probably vote Democrat but some serious thought would go into it."