I am also quite chesty - do you have any other tips for making this kind of silhouette work? I have a scoopnecked lace sheath I sincerely love but always feel so boxy in it.. :/
Well. That officially sounds like something my vertigo-suffering husband will never agree to, lol.
I had no idea that this was a thing one could even visit! Never really thought about it before but I assumed it just loomed over the city and people looked up at it in awe, I guess kinda LOTR style? If you don't mind indulging my curiosity, where is the gift shop that even visiting that is scary?
You thought he was being serious when he said that? I just watched it again and took it as a joke. Which really makes me wonder at so-called pro-white motivations - if they can hug a black/mixed person then I wonder why they need to separate from them in the first place.
A lot of my husband's friends have J-1 and H-1 visas. Man, do they suck - the visas, not (most of) the friends. I really wonder if Google is doing much green card sponsorship or if they're just getting their 2+ years out of cheaper foreign-born employees and then leaving them out to dry. :/
She's also heavily rumored to be in a menage with the both of them. Maybe Bey approves!
3rd best: the morning after your return when you leave to buy groceries/whatever and they stare at you as you walk out the door like, "bitch, you better come back this time."
Coming home to be snubbed by a pair indignant felines is always the best part of a vacation :)
Poor puppy. Maybe I'm guilty of anthropomorphism but it breaks my heart to even THINK about giving my cats up - I just picture them alone and scared and not understanding what's going on. Sure, sometimes you have to give a pet up but this dude is a jerk.
...Okay. That's your prerogative. But since the idea of men I don't even know talking about me creeps me out, I do plan on it. Thanks for sharing though!
You know what? I go to the gym and lift weights on a semi-regular basis and it never even occurred to me that the guys there might talk about me in the men's locker room. The very idea of it gives me the serious creeps. Now I want to look into a women-only gym.
Thank you!
Okay, that's what I didn't understand from the article alone - how and when a kid would even have the forum to talk about religion in a public school. I wasn't thinking about papers on personal belief - and now I see how this bill could lead to some serious abuse if interpreted too widely.
Okay, gotcha. We did the Western Civilization stuff too but started with the French Revolution from what I recall. And I guess we just totes glossed over religion in all that. That girl sounds like a loon though; Catholics aren't Christian? Sure, okay.
That top one kind of reminds me of...Smaug? Or that furry flying thing from The Never Ending Story? Some dragon creature at least. Cute kitties!
My mother put Con-Tact paper EVERYWHERE - I haven't thought about that in years!
Wait, people gave anti-gay presentations...in your high school? Not trying to front like my public school was a bastion of love and harmony but I honestly can't think of one instance in which a religious kid would have been able to force his religion down my throat with me having no choice but to listen. I mean,…
Hey, that was very well-stated and reasoned - thank you. I hate getting into arguments about this issue because dudes are often so entrenched in their "not all men" paradigm that it can be hard to get through to them unless you have a succinct, pithy remark like yours.
The first time my cat saw me take a bath - we'd only ever had a shower before moving into our current place - he flipped the FUCK OUT. Like, "why are you IN the water? you will die!" flipped out.