
This is him? And he graduated in '83? The article I read said he was 21.

Er, I am the person who didn't know "whose side to be on" though that was more a polite way of asking for more info, like the ages of the people involved. For some reason, I interpreted the story as involving two kids but you seemed to think they're adults and I just wanted to know why. But you're right, it's a

Thanks for the info - I did a quick internet search but didn't find anything so detailed.

No, you're right. But it was more a polite request for more info - if the brake cutter was an 18 yo, it's an entirely different story than if he were 8.

Was he an adult?

Thanks for the answer - I honestly think I'd go with a mutt because they seem like the calm and even-tempered. But I see how dog ownership might require more research than cat ownership - for each and every cat I've had, I just went to the pound/organization and picked one out.

Yeah, I never really understood this statistics game some people like to play. Granted, I'm just using the Mother Jones numbers but if 45 of roughly 70 mass shooters were white guys, then that's what, like, 66%? No way white guys make up 66% of the US population, I'm sorry.

You're probably more informed on this subject than I am, but do you think it's because the children are "lower on the totem pole" or just because their kids are there and accessible? I have no kids and have never abused one but I can't imagine that if I were enraged to the point of being abusive that I would go

Whoa. That's quite a story. To be honest, I'm not sure whose side to be on - may I ask how old was your friend and how old was the kid?

Silly question from a cat owner: by bully breeds, do you mean pit bulls/bull dogs specifically or any breed of dog with a reputation, earned or not, for aggression? If the latter, would you put German Shepherds in the bully breed category. I ask because one bit me when I was a kid but now that I *may* be moving out

Thanks for the info. I'm glad Accutane worked for you - acne can be horrible, especially for a high school kid who already has enough angst to deal with. If I may ask one more question, did the effects continue after you stopped the medication? I guess I mean, did it permanently heal your acne? This whole subject

Oh, okay. Is that active ingredient what causes the pregnancy problems? I'm not a member of the all natural crowd but taking something designed as chemotherapy seems...drastic.

A dry anus that just spontaneously starts spurting out blood? omg.

This conversation has gotten somewhat surreal. But if the goal is to eliminate the cheerleaders' ranks to people who can - and would - PAY MONEY TO WORK A SHITTY JOB, then yes, by all means let's make cheerleading "a club for rich people."

No, it's cool that you're querying, I just think the answer to the query itself is pretty self-evident. You say:

But how could they afford to live given that their job is to be in a club that doesn't pay them...??

I get that we're just not seeing eye to eye on this but this "club" you're describing requires the hours of a part-time seasonal job. They're calling it a job BECAUSE IT IS ONE. I mean, maybe they could call it an internship but some of these some have been working for their teams for years so even that would be BS.

You're telling me there are clubs where people not only pay dues, but have to attend ALL the events, do charity on the side and buy your own cosmetics to meet whatever physical standard is set forth? I'm not trying to sound snippy or snarky but that sounds like a weird ass club to me. In fact, those almost sound

But when you pay to join an organization, they can't MAKE you do shit. Maybe if the cheerleaders were self-regulated like a fan club or something and selected their own rules and leaders, yeah sure. But the athletic franchise is ORDERING them to attend practice, charity events, etc but not paying them for their

Ah, but when you join a club aren't the events optional? Like the Rotarians or Elks won't kick you out if you don't make it to their, I dunno, swing dance mixer (I have very little experience with private clubs, haha)? But these women HAVE to practice, attend charity events and make the games, so it's not really a