
A "volunteer position with high fees" sounds like paying to work to me. That sounds limit illegal and I wouldn't be surprised if the franchises began paying their cheerleaders these ridiculous wages in order to avoid slavery charges or whatnot.

Another commenter had doubts similar to LuckyStampede's because the kid added the feather to his graduation cap and, I guess, not to his hair or something. All of these threads have really opened my eyes to the extent that Native culture, specifically the feathers, have been appropriated - it's like its hard for some

Honestly, this comment strikes me as slightly disingenuous. You can't act like what happened to this kid isn't linked to cultural appropriation.

I get what you're saying too - the difference between a teen exploiting his own culture for the sake of rebellion versus serious, earnest religious belief. But I'm going to presume that neither of us is exactly an expert on eagle feathers and Seminole culture - maybe by putting it and the beads on his cap he

I'm no expert here but I would say that thinking of feathers as "decorations" is a symptom of successful cultural appropriation.

I might be misunderstanding but maybe compare it to the veil - a muslim graduate wearing a hijab under her cap wouldn't violate that dress code because we recognize (or hopefully at least) her right to religious/cultural expression per the first amendment. But, thanks to cultural appropriation, "Indian feathers" are

Eh, he has his moments. I always loved how he treated Hagar.

I just mentioned Job in another comment - in your coworker's defense, the biblical narrative kind of glosses over the fate of the children, you really have to be paying attention and thinking critically to catch it. But, yes, God is a monster - at one point Job even compares him to the Leviathan, if I recall my

Yeah, I was just going to say look at Job and his kids.

THAT'S CRAZY. Do you know what they put in accutane? I'm asking because I have no clue and have never taken it so can't help but wonder if it's really worth it.

I didn't know that about autism/vaccine rates. I've never really thought about it before but do you think the increased autism might be related to all the harmful, noxious shit in our food/toiletries/water/what have you?

WHAT??? Do you have more details.

Just replied the same thing to someone else! For a sec I thought I must have made that shit up so I'm glad to know other people read it too.

Oh. I thought neither were coming and they bought Kimye a yacht instead. Jesus, following this celebrity gossip is like a full time job.

Amen to castile soap. I actually use Dr. Woods but love the peppermint and lavender as well. Good stuff - I wish I had discovered it earlier.

Listen, I'm not trying to make the case for sainthood for this woman. But all of your criticisms - of which only the mismanagement of funds and accepting money from shady political leaders strike me as particularly valid given that MT was a CATHOLIC NUN - paint the picture of a woman who did bad things as well as

Oooh. I didn't know that was a thing. As someone with no sewing skills, is this something I can have a tailor do? And do you think it's possible to save already hole-y jeans?

By thigh area do you mean inner thighs? Mine rub together and eventually make holes. Which makes me sad because I love most of my jeans.

Ooh, thanks for the tip!

AG Adriano Goldschmied - I'm sure my spelling is off though. They make expensive ass jeans I won't be buying in the future - or at least not their leggings jeans. It sounds like you and I might have similar problems, though my thigh-alicious legs tend to be the tricky body part, so I'll have to check out Talbots.