
Notably with such a terrible accent that it was more or less indecipherable on the first run (and "allt är som du vill" is not Swedish phrasing, but more like an English sentence put into Google translate).

Notably with such a terrible accent that it was more or less indecipherable on the first run (and "allt är som du vill" is not Swedish phrasing, but more like an English sentence put into Google translate).

Indeed they do. This is actually prog rock. The link between smart pop and original prog is so much stronger than most people seem to get.

I think TWTW is by far the best thing to come from the Brewis Bros.

That's not a Field Music song. It's a That Was A Week That Was track.

It gets a pass for the excellent use of Yes music without resorting to the go-to tunes like Roundabout or I've Seen All Good People. But, yeah, about fifteen minutes in, boredom starts to set in and is never really alleviated.

Jack White "competent"? Only because he doesn't aim high enough to fail.

They're both based in very conservative rock roots, with almost no nod towards modernity or innovation, so…yeah.

The story that makes me remember that it ain't Boo-sheemi is this one.

This is hilarious. Proof positive that Jack White is nowhere near being the faux-naif genius he's been portrayed as.

You all fail
No mention of Everything Everything's Man Alive?