teadoust II

god knows, i felt this way for the longest time. but she's grown on me in the last couple of years. probably due to my fondness for Safety Not Guaranteed.

oh lobs, you nut!

i think the guys in the GOP back room would be glad to throw Trump to the wolves and let Pence take over.

his cinematic track record for several years prior to TDTCC suggests that your version of events would have been literally impossible for Lewis.

fair enough. it's just that, well, everyone hates the guy, so this shit is FUN!


this is not available on dvd! nice going, av club!

i always thought he was doing a WC Fields impression there!

and he improvised that line!

no Jacquot fans here? i thought Farewell, My Queen was damned good.

time marches on. i think almost all of these are now available on dvd.

this poster (as well as most of the assheaded comments on this article) would be as good a time as any for people to get over their squeamishness about casting downvotes.

it's called plastic surgery, you fucking dimwits.

he got all butthurt after i made a snarky comment about nic cage the other day.

just so i'm clear on this: you're totally ok with hipster dbag (who's definitely not you under another name) saying "fuck tom hanks" after it becomes public that hanks has type-2 diabetes. but i'm a piece of shit because… why exactly? not to keep picking on hipster dbag (who you are most definitely NOT) but that guy