Yeah I just read the random roles yesterday, and when I saw this news that was the first thing I thought of. Hopefully she called him up after the interview or something…
Yeah I just read the random roles yesterday, and when I saw this news that was the first thing I thought of. Hopefully she called him up after the interview or something…
Yeah!! One of my faves too! That new Sleep track from last year was good. I thought there was supposed to be a record coming sometime soon too. Would love to hear anything more from Al.
Yeah I never really got them either. Every song on every album sounds almost exactly the same. I don't get why people consistently shit their collective pants about how great they are.
I also dig that Acid King record, especially "Red River". Brothers of the Sonic Cloth isn't bad either, nor is the new UFOmammut. That's about as metal as I go - I've really lost interest in High on Fire. Much prefer Om and even that new Sleep track from last year, the Clarity.
I just watched it again for the first time since probably the late 80s or early 90s and was surprised by how bat-shit insane, fun, goofy and yet still action packed and really enjoyable it was. For pure enjoyment, I'd put it near the top of his films (Precinct 13, The Fog, The Thing all come to mind immediately as…
They certainly chose the right actor - he could totally pull off a similar ridiculous and yet cool thing that Russell does in this movie.
Yeah the first one was an absolute classic, no doubt; and the one for the Wii is one of the best platformers ever made. To be honest though, what little I played of the ones in between….meh. Still, you don't throw the baby away with the bathwater and all that.
I have a bad memory of lending out my Super Star Wars to a "friend" for a while in exchange for the 7th Saga and never getting it back….
And no movie or TV show should ever have the sound of a commonly used wake up alarm in it. Back in the day, I had one of those old school LED alarm clocks that had the really abrasive "DAH DAH DAH DAH" sound to wake you up. If I EVER heard it when I was awake, it would genuinely upset me.
That sounds so awesome that I'm downloading it right now. Bill Murray also hosted during that season, which must have been ok at least.
Mr. Bungle still ranks as the weirdest. I mean, I get why it happened what with Patton's pull from FNM's success and everything, but man - I doubt that a weirder three album span exists on a major label.
Yes, I've heard that. Pecos Pest is on there - one of my faves. There's also some Droopy stuff on there too :)
The soundtrack in the classic episodes is amazing though. Scott Bradley was a genius, much in the same way that Carl Stalling was.
Yeah, what a stupid idea that was. Those were terrible. I remember watching classic T&J on Sundays. Danger Mouse came on after it, which was also awesome.
But it's not like she was in a lot of episodes. You can still really enjoy the ones that she isn't in without feeling much guilt. Other than the occasional "let's blow someone up and shoot a close up of his head in blackface" gag that comes up once in a blue moon. It really is one of the all time best animated…
If anyone's interested, I put together a mix that starts off pretty psychedelic and doomy. Gets a little spacier and more electro as it goes, but I think it's a pretty good mix. All female singers.
Yeah a gay friend of mine stopped watching when Capaldi took over. He never said why, but I guessed it was because he was practically in love with the last two doctors. Such a shallow reason to like/dislike something, but oh well.
And Doctor Who! The classic series, I mean. Just Doctors 1-7.
Twlight Zone and TNG were always my favourites, along with Addams Family and Doctor Who. World Cup Soccer was also pretty good, and there was one with 13 ball multiball….based on a movie or something….struggling to remember the name though.
I think I agree with that. There have been times on the show in the past when I think he's had some fun with with different socio-political issues. I think he's definitely doing that with the gender roles in this episode. Makes me think of the character Pamela in a different way now. I never really got what they…