79 horsepower monster

Is there a reason that we (read: the auto manufacturers) insist on putting sensors behind shiny black plastic pretending to be a grille rather than making the grill smaller and putting the sensors behind body colored plastic? Does the paint affect the sensors or something? Or is it just a stubborn attempt to have the

What in the world is with this trend? It looks like one of those cars where the owner just learned what plasti-dip is.

Exactly my thoughts. It looks to me that it was designed by a committee of non-designers tasked with making it look “sporty” or “aggressive”. Also, the Kia grille indents drive me nuts. They add no value to the design of any of their cars.

Jeebs Creebs, could they put any more horizontal shapes on the front of that thing? The racing stripes help to over complicate the front end, too.

Used GS and ESs have to be the best value on mid to upscale sedans on the market today, ESPECIALLY if they are as reliable as we expect them to be.

And that isn’t even a good deal by the Tourx’s standards right now. Essence models are available for right around (and even slightly less) than that price.

If you got an “Essence” model, there is plenty of luxury pretense inside to trick non-critical folk into thinking it is full luxury. The materials are not the best, but they do look nice, and it is an exceptionally quiet ride, especially at its price. Not to mention the leather/heated seats/heated steering model can

In what world are these things repulsive? Every single mention I have seen or heard of these has praised their looks. I’m afraid to ask what modern vehicles you find attractive

My comments are being Kinja’d and I can’t get the picture to post.

I WANT to like the Stinger. I like the idea of it, and I like the general shape. I liked the interior, from what I remember, too. But the exterior, namely the front, but still the back and sides, are just terrible. The back is almost good, but a few details, including those stupid weird lines coming out of the

I don’t know how people see anything other than what you described. LOOK AT THIS FRONT END!

Reviews of Beats headphones say they are great. Reviews of the Buick Tourx call it a crossover.

There is a lot more to the universe than the inside of your head.

We don’t appreciate clear, logical thinking ‘round these parts!

But sometimes you have no choice, and time, money, or just generally crappy circumstances force your hand. In that case, who is the ideal customer to sell to in order to minimize your agony

Seriously? I thought it was pretty much universally accepted that the stinger got the general shape right, but was so terribly off on all the details. It looks like what a 13 year old from the fast and the furious era would draw. Vents, shapes, and scoops everywhere! not to mention the cheap looking

Counterpoint: they are problematic, soulless piles of shit that I can’t believe are still being sold, and people are still buying. How does dodge sell the same shitty products for 10+ years and people keep buying them? 

Funny, my dad’s 09's driveline WAS broken already, like 3 times, within the first 60k miles. CP for me, too. What a pile of shit it was.

I had an auto on a 6 hour drive, as a rental, and I must admit that I was impressed at how comfortable it was. It got 42(!) mpg cruising at like 80mph most of the way, had enough power to live with as a cheap daily, and seemed to steer pretty nice. Of course, the interior used pretty cheap materials, but they did a

I always wondered how they account for this, exactly. Like, if they only offer 1% of Corollas with a manual, then how can they ever hope to have a higher sale rate? Additionally, how long is the time frame of being considered unsold? Because virtually all new cars will sell eventually.