
I remember a very similar thing happening when I went to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World in theaters. The trailer for Devil was showing beforehand and a guy a few rows behind us said "this looks pretty good." Then a title card came up that read: From the mind of M. Night Shyamalan. He immediately replied with

Your rong; blaque peeple r god'

Moves Like Hetfield

Who's gonna want this drum kit after he put his balls on it?

If you were the inventors of kryptonite, then you would've invented kryptonite.

Or the Boondock Saints posters. Taxi Driver and Boondock Saints have the same plot, right?

Also, I was hoping that they'd reveal that Dennis was still wearing those jeans from the volleyball game in the shower scene. Oh well.

Clearly Mac wrote those scenes in. Though Dennis didn't seem bothered by being a part of both of those scenes.

I think it's that he tried doing something very different with it. I'm in agreement with you in that I don't think the movie is good (I actually liked Zombie's first one), but Zombie definitely tried some new things rather than a flat out remake of Rosenthal's original and very by the numbers Halloween II (which I