Where we’re going Marty, we don’t need roads!
Where we’re going Marty, we don’t need roads!
Actually just picked this up for my PSTV and I was surprised (or maybe just nostalgia) how well some backgrounds and things held up decently, unlike other PSx games from the series.
It’s beautiful, really. GameFAQs is slowly eating itself over a game that involves a floating unicorn man who flexes himself into space.
is the vibrator already in the suit or...
There are places I can see this working:
Well that boot time is atrocious.
Super Saiyan Mako.
Thought process:
I never had an issue with ~100 hours on FFXIII and ~50 on FFXIII-2, not with dropped frames, not with freezing, and my rig was built in 2010 with middle of the road specs.
Despite this review, I preordered this game today. The bonuses are nice, and although I am going all in before trying the localized demo, and only going on a handful of videos and reviews, something endears me to this game.
Also Filmia is Frog 2.0
no shop access? bummer. really wanted to grab up the Bravely Second and Legend of Legacy demos :(